Zachary Zager

Retirement Planner at Lakeview Retirement Planning

Zachary Zager Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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Zachary Zager Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Zachary Zager

Zachary Zager is a Retirement Planner based in Spicewood, United States, with Lakeview Retirement Planning. They specialize in working with individuals who are preparing for or already in retirement, helping to address the five key risks that can impact financial security: income, investments, tax efficiency, healthcare, and legacy planning. Zager is responsible for developing tailored strategies to ensure their clients' retirement goals are met, regardless of market conditions.Prior to joining Lakeview Retirement Planning, Zager held the role of Vice President of Marketing at Advisors Excel, where they oversaw marketing initiatives and campaigns to support the firm's growth. Zager brings a wealth of experience in the financial services industry, with a deep understanding of the unique challenges and considerations facing pre-retirees and retirees.Zager is passionate about empowering individuals to take control of their financial futures, providing personalized guidance and solutions tRead more

Zachary Zager Current Workplace

Lakeview Retirement Planning

2014-present (10 years)

Lakeview Retirement Planning offers financial services including retirement income planning, chronic long-term care, legacy planning, tax planning, and investment planning, focusing on helping clients preserve their capital. The company was established to provide long-term financial counsel and investment performance with exceptional service, taking a holistic approach to financial planning and offering a personalized experience for clients. The team, led by President and CEO Zachary M. Zager, is dedicated to helping clients work towards their retirement dreams through tailored strategies. Located in Spicewood, Texas, Lakeview Retirement Planning strives to build trustworthy relationships with clients and provide real-world solutions for comfortable and secure retirements.

Zachary Zager Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Vice President, Marketing

Advisors Excel


Senior Sales Representative

National Western Life


Senior VP, Sales

Personalized Brokerage Services


Org Chart - Lakeview Retirement Planning


Retirement Planner




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Zachary Zager

What company does Zachary Zager work for?
Zachary Zager works for Lakeview Retirement Planning as Retirement Planner
What is Zachary Zager’s role in Lakeview Retirement Planning?
Zachary Zager’s role in Lakeview Retirement Planning is Retirement Planner
What is Zachary Zager’s direct phone number?
Zachary Zager’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Zachary Zager’s work phone number?
Zachary Zager’s headquarters phone number is (512) 275-6180
What is Zachary Zager’s latest job experience?
Zachary Zager’s latest job experience is Vice President, Marketing at Advisors Excel
Which industry does Zachary Zager work in?
Zachary Zager works in the industry of Investment Banking, Finance.
Who are Zachary Zager’s peers at other companies?
Zachary Zager’s peers at other companies are Arya Moshrefi, Jason Callin, James Hill, Trevor Jacobson, Julianna Braley.
Who is Zachary Zager?

Zachary Zager is a Retirement Planner based in Spicewood, United States, with Lakeview Retirement Planning. They specialize in working with individuals who are preparing for or already in retirement, helping to address the five key risks that can impact financial security: income, investments, tax efficiency, healthcare, and legacy planning. Zager... is responsible for developing tailored strategies to ensure their clients' retirement goals are met, regardless of market conditions.Prior to joining Lakeview Retirement Planning, Zager held the role of Vice President of Marketing at Advisors Excel, where they oversaw marketing initiatives and campaigns to support the firm's growth. Zager brings a wealth of experience in the financial services industry, with a deep understanding of the unique challenges and considerations facing pre-retirees and retirees.Zager is passionate about empowering individuals to take control of their financial futures, providing personalized guidance and solutions to help mitigate risks and optimize their retirement outcomes. With a focus on holistic planning, Zager works closely with clients to develop comprehensive strategies that address their evolving needs and priorities throughout their retirement years.Read More

Where is Zachary Zager based?
Zachary Zager works for Lakeview Retirement Planning, located at United States
See more information about Zachary Zager

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