
Zach Steffen

Director at Thincubator

Zach Steffen Email & Phone number

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(315) ***-****

Zach Steffen Current Workplace


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Zach Steffen Work Experience Summary

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Average duration at a company (years)


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About Zach Steffen

Zach Steffen is the Director at Thincubator, where he is responsible for overseeing the company's operations and strategic initiatives. Prior to his current role, he served as a Business Advisor at Thincubator, leveraging his expertise to support the growth and development of the organization's clients. Steffen holds a bachelor's degree from the University at Albany, which has equipped him with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in his professional endeavors.Explore more

Zach Steffen Current Workplace


2022-present (2 years)

The thINCubator provides a variety of programming to support local entrepreneurship from interest to acceleration. We host networking events to foster creative collisions, workshops for hacking specific topics, and multi-week bootcamps such as our Refinery program. We believe that entrepreneurs are key to remaking, reshaping, and regrowing the upstate economy, we believe that collaboration breeds success and we believe in giving aspiring entrepreneurs the tools, connections, and knowledge they need to succeed. Explore more at thincubator.co.

Zach Steffen Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Business Advisor



Business Associate & Advisor




Pyramid Publishing



North Country Books




bachelor's degree - business administration with a concentration in marketing

University at Albany

bachelor's degree - business administration and marketing

SUNY Albany

Org Chart - Thincubator






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Zach Steffen

What company does Zach Steffen work for?
Zach Steffen works for Thincubator as Director
What is Zach Steffen’s role in Thincubator?
Zach Steffen’s role in Thincubator is Director
What is Zach Steffen’s direct phone number?
Zach Steffen’s direct phone number is (315) ***-****
What is Zach Steffen’s work phone number?
Zach Steffen’s headquarters phone number is (315) 520-8768
What is Zach Steffen’s latest job experience?
Zach Steffen’s latest job experience is Business Advisor at Thincubator
What is Zach Steffen’s latest education?
Zach Steffen’s latest education in bachelor's degree - business administration with a concentration in marketing at University at Albany
Which industry does Zach Steffen work in?
Zach Steffen works in the industry of Colleges & Universities, Education.
Who are Zach Steffen’s peers at other companies?
Zach Steffen’s peers at other companies are Jessica Allendorf, Bernadette Chavira-Trull, S. Vince, Evan Feinglass, Martha Sutter.
Who are Zach Steffen’s colleagues?
Some of Zach Steffen’s colleagues are James Willey, Sharrone Sofer.
Who is Zach Steffen?

Zach Steffen is the Director at Thincubator, where he is responsible for overseeing the company's operations and strategic initiatives. Prior to his current role, he served as a Business Advisor at Thincubator, leveraging his expertise to support the growth and development of the organization's clients. Steffen holds a bachelor's degree from the Un... iversity at Albany, which has equipped him with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in his professional endeavors.Read More

Where is Zach Steffen based?
Zach Steffen works for Thincubator, located at United States
See more information about Zach Steffen

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