Yvonne Barnhart

Chief Operating Officer at MNB Insurance

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Yvonne Barnhart Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Yvonne Barnhart Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees


Yvonne Barnhart Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Yvonne Barnhart

Yvonne Barnhart is the Chief Operating Officer at MNB Insurance based in Mc Cook, Nebraska. Previously, Yvonne was the Administrative Assistant at Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance and also held positions at Northwest Kansas Educational Service Center, Eklund Insurance, Palace Drug Store. Yvonne received a Elementary Education and Teaching degree from Colby Community College.Explore more

Yvonne Barnhart Current Workplace

MNB Insurance

2013-present (12 years)

MNB Insurance has been servicing your insurance needs for years. We are built on the principles of providing superior customer service and quality insurance solutions for our customers. As an independent agent, we work with select insurance companies that have proven their performance over the years. We are dedicated to getting you the best insurance products and services available today to protect you, your family, and your business.

Yvonne Barnhart Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Manager, Business & Office

Olsen's Ag Lab


Administrative Assistant

Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance


Administrative Assistant, Special Education

Northwest Kansas Educational Service Center



Eklund Insurance




Elementary Education and Teaching

Colby Community College

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Yvonne Barnhart

What company does Yvonne Barnhart work for?
Yvonne Barnhart works for MNB Insurance as Chief Operating Officer
What is Yvonne Barnhart’s role in MNB Insurance?
Yvonne Barnhart’s role in MNB Insurance is Chief Operating Officer
What is Yvonne Barnhart’s email address?
Yvonne Barnhart’s email address is y***@mnb.bank
What is Yvonne Barnhart’s business email address?
Yvonne Barnhart’s business email address is y***@mnb.bank
What is Yvonne Barnhart’s direct phone number?
Yvonne Barnhart’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Yvonne Barnhart’s work phone number?
Yvonne Barnhart’s headquarters phone number is (308) 345-6055
What is Yvonne Barnhart’s latest job experience?
Yvonne Barnhart’s latest job experience is Manager, Business & Office at Olsen's Ag Lab
What is Yvonne Barnhart’s latest education?
Yvonne Barnhart’s latest education in Elementary Education and Teaching at Colby Community College
Which industry does Yvonne Barnhart work in?
Yvonne Barnhart works in the industry of Insurance.
Who are Yvonne Barnhart’s peers at other companies?
Yvonne Barnhart’s peers at other companies are Rick Winner, Derek Giangiulio, Patrick Kehoe, Gretchen Jackman, Brian Leftwich.
Who are Yvonne Barnhart’s colleagues?
Some of Yvonne Barnhart’s colleagues are Kathy Reid, Denise Broomfield, Diane Riggs, Larry Eisenmenger.
How can I contact Yvonne Barnhart?
Yvonne Barnhart contact details: Email address: y***@mnb.bank Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Yvonne Barnhart?

Yvonne Barnhart is the Chief Operating Officer at MNB Insurance based in Mc Cook, Nebraska. Previously, Yvonne was the Administrative Assistant at Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance and also held positions at Northwest Kansas Educational Service Center, Eklund Insurance, Palace Drug Store. Yvonne received a Elementary Education and Teaching degree fro... m Colby Community College.Read More

Where is Yvonne Barnhart based?
Yvonne Barnhart works for MNB Insurance, located at United States
Who is MNB Insurance’s Chief Operating Officer?
MNB Insurance's Chief Operating Officer is Yvonne Barnhart
See more information about Yvonne Barnhart

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