Youngjune Gwon

Executive Vice President at Samsung SDS

Youngjune Gwon Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Youngjune Gwon Current Workplace


Number of Employees

Youngjune Gwon Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Youngjune Gwon

Youngjune Gwon is an Executive Vice President at Samsung SDS based in Seoul, Seoul. Previously, Youngjune was a Vice President at Samsung SDS and also held positions at Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Harvard University, Air Force Research Laboratory, Qualcomm, Amicus Therapeutics, DOCOMO Innovations, Stanford University.Explore more

Youngjune Gwon Current Workplace

Samsung SDS

2021-present (3 years)

Samsung SDS provides cloud and digital logistics services. We build optimized cloud environment with Samsung Cloud Platform specialized for businesses, provide all-in-one management service based on expertise in each industry, and boost work efficiency and customer service with our SaaS solution proven successful in many use cases.

Youngjune Gwon Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Vice President

Samsung SDS


Research At Human Language Technology Scientist

MIT Lincoln Laboratory


Teaching Fellow

Harvard University


Org Chart - Samsung SDS


Executive Vice President




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    Youngjune Gwon 295 Santa Ana Court Sunnyvale, CA 94085 United States of America Postal Code:94085

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Youngjune Gwon

What company does Youngjune Gwon work for?
Youngjune Gwon works for Samsung SDS as Executive Vice President
What is Youngjune Gwon’s role in Samsung SDS?
Youngjune Gwon’s role in Samsung SDS is Executive Vice President
What is Youngjune Gwon’s email address?
Youngjune Gwon’s email address is y***@samsung.com
What is Youngjune Gwon’s business email address?
Youngjune Gwon’s business email address is y***@samsung.com
What is Youngjune Gwon’s direct phone number?
Youngjune Gwon’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Youngjune Gwon’s latest job experience?
Youngjune Gwon’s latest job experience is Vice President at Samsung SDS
Which industry does Youngjune Gwon work in?
Youngjune Gwon works in the industry of Software & Technical Consulting, Software.
Who are Youngjune Gwon’s peers at other companies?
Youngjune Gwon’s peers at other companies are Alphonzo Albright, Sachin Kohli, Balaji Venkataraman, Josh Jackson, Robert Markowitz.
Who are Youngjune Gwon’s colleagues?
Some of Youngjune Gwon’s colleagues are Soma Nandikonda, Abdul K., Mirza Kasim, Rizka Salsabila.
How can I contact Youngjune Gwon?
Youngjune Gwon contact details: Email address: y***@samsung.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Youngjune Gwon?

Youngjune Gwon is an Executive Vice President at Samsung SDS based in Seoul, Seoul. Previously, Youngjune was a Vice President at Samsung SDS and also held positions at Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Harvard University, Air Force Research Laboratory, Qualcomm, Amicus Therapeutics, DOCOMO... Innovations, Stanford University.Read More

Where is Youngjune Gwon based?
Youngjune Gwon works for Samsung SDS, located at South Korea
See more information about Youngjune Gwon

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