Yossi Levine

President at Eye Contact

Yossi Levine Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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About Yossi Levine

Yossi levine is the President at eye contact, a leading organization based in Brooklyn, New York, United States. With extensive experience in his field, Yossi is responsible for driving the strategic vision and day-to-day operations of the company. Prior to his current role, Yossi held various leadership positions, leveraging his expertise to propel the growth and success of the organizations he has been a part of.Explore more

Yossi Levine Current Workplace

Eye Contact

2017-present (8 years)

Eye Contact is a private practice serving the entire family in Madison, Wisconsin through its two locations - West and East. Family-owned and operated since 1987, our facilities feature the newest technologies in eye examining equipment, thousands of frames and contact lenses in stock and four Wisconsin-licensed optometrists who take appointments six days a week. Our goal is to anticipate your needs and exceed your expectations in all aspects of eyecare and eyewear.

Org Chart - Eye Contact






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Yossi Levine

What company does Yossi Levine work for?
Yossi Levine works for Eye Contact as President
What is Yossi Levine’s role in Eye Contact?
Yossi Levine’s role in Eye Contact is President
What is Yossi Levine’s direct phone number?
Yossi Levine’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Yossi Levine’s work phone number?
Yossi Levine’s headquarters phone number is (608) 241-3737
Which industry does Yossi Levine work in?
Yossi Levine works in the industry of Hospitals & Clinics, Healthcare.
Who are Yossi Levine’s peers at other companies?
Yossi Levine’s peers at other companies are Jay Friedberg, Joe Hautzinger, Osmani Otero, Timothy Birtwhistle, Rahn Hall.
Who are Yossi Levine’s colleagues?
Some of Yossi Levine’s colleagues are Kesha Desai, Erik Schrandt, Carmen Rad, Robin Roudebush.
Who is Yossi Levine?

Yossi levine is the President at eye contact, a leading organization based in Brooklyn, New York, United States. With extensive experience in his field, Yossi is responsible for driving the strategic vision and day-to-day operations of the company. Prior to his current role, Yossi held various leadership positions, leveraging his expertise to prope... l the growth and success of the organizations he has been a part of.Read More

Where is Yossi Levine based?
Yossi Levine works for Eye Contact, located at United States
Who is Eye Contact’s President?
Eye Contact's President is Yossi Levine
See more information about Yossi Levine

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