Yossi Elizur

Senior Project Manager at Mer Group

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(***) ***-****

Yossi Elizur Current Workplace


Mer Group



Number of Employees

About Yossi Elizur

Yossi Elizur is a Senior Project Manager at Mer Group, responsible for overseeing complex projects and ensuring their successful delivery. They hold a Bachelor of Science degree from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, bringing a strong technical background and problem-solving skills to their role. With a keen eye for detail and a collaborative approach, Yossi is instrumental in driving the company's projects forward, contributing to Mer Group's continued success in the industry.Explore more

Yossi Elizur Current Workplace

Mer Group

2014-present (10 years)

MER Group offers a diverse portfolio of technology-based solutions and end-to-end services that include consultancy, development, engineering, and manufacturing, as well as integration and implementation. Mer Group was founded in 1948 and is located in Tel Aviv, Israel.

Org Chart - Mer Group


Senior Project Manager




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Yossi Elizur

What company does Yossi Elizur work for?
Yossi Elizur works for Mer Group as Senior Project Manager
What is Yossi Elizur’s role in Mer Group?
Yossi Elizur’s role in Mer Group is Senior Project Manager
What is Yossi Elizur’s direct phone number?
Yossi Elizur’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Yossi Elizur’s work phone number?
Yossi Elizur’s headquarters phone number is +972 35572555
Which industry does Yossi Elizur work in?
Yossi Elizur works in the industry of Telecommunication Equipment, Manufacturing.
Who are Yossi Elizur’s peers at other companies?
Yossi Elizur’s peers at other companies are Antonio Goncalves, Changyong Gao, Benny Paul, Maya Abate, Gregory Knight.
Who are Yossi Elizur’s colleagues?
Some of Yossi Elizur’s colleagues are Dima Baringoltz, Grace Álvarez, Guillermo Romero, Jevan Nedd.
Who is Yossi Elizur?

Yossi Elizur is a Senior Project Manager at Mer Group, responsible for overseeing complex projects and ensuring their successful delivery. They hold a Bachelor of Science degree from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, bringing a strong technical background and problem-solving skills to their role. With a keen eye for detail and a collaborative app... roach, Yossi is instrumental in driving the company's projects forward, contributing to Mer Group's continued success in the industry.Read More

Where is Yossi Elizur based?
Yossi Elizur works for Mer Group, located at Israel
See more information about Yossi Elizur

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