Yingyu Yang

No at Novartis

Yingyu Yang Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Yingyu Yang Current Workplace





Number of Employees

About Yingyu Yang

Yingyu Yang is a No at Novartis based in Basel, Basel-City.

Yingyu Yang Current Workplace


2017-present (7 years)

Novartis provides innovative healthcare solutions that address the evolving needs of patients and societies.

Org Chart - Novartis

Yingyu Yang


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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Yingyu Yang

What company does Yingyu Yang work for?
Yingyu Yang works for Novartis as No
What is Yingyu Yang’s role in Novartis?
Yingyu Yang’s role in Novartis is No
What is Yingyu Yang’s email address?
Yingyu Yang’s email address is y***@novartis.com
What is Yingyu Yang’s business email address?
Yingyu Yang’s business email address is y***@novartis.com
What is Yingyu Yang’s direct phone number?
Yingyu Yang’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Yingyu Yang’s work phone number?
Yingyu Yang’s headquarters phone number is +41 613241111
Which industry does Yingyu Yang work in?
Yingyu Yang works in the industry of Pharmaceuticals, Healthcare.
Who are Yingyu Yang’s peers at other companies?
Yingyu Yang’s peers at other companies are Jose Garcia Osorio, Eris Leci, Misleidi Rodriguez, Siddaiah Siddaiah, Namit Kapoor.
Who are Yingyu Yang’s colleagues?
Some of Yingyu Yang’s colleagues are Jotham Rodriguez, Ravi Chowdary, Roshanara Dias, Satoshi Daigo.
How can I contact Yingyu Yang?
Yingyu Yang contact details: Email address: y***@novartis.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Yingyu Yang?

Yingyu Yang is a No at Novartis based in Basel, Basel-City....

Where is Yingyu Yang based?
Yingyu Yang works for Novartis, located at Switzerland