Yara Hitti

Senior Content Executive at Leo Burnett MENA

Yara Hitti Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Yara Hitti Current Workplace


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Yara Hitti Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Yara Hitti

Yara Hitti is a Senior Content Executive based in Beirut, Lebanon, at Leo Burnett MENA. They are responsible for overseeing the creation and execution of engaging content strategies across various digital platforms. With a background in production and planning, Yara has honed their leadership skills while developing effective communication strategies for online social media platforms and organizations.Prior to their current role, Yara served as the Manager of Social Media at Made for Brands Studio, where they were in charge of managing social media marketing calendars, optimizing online platforms, and implementing organic strategies. Through their expertise in interpersonal communication, search engine optimization, and social media marketing, Yara was able to drive successful campaigns and enhance the overall digital presence of the company.Yara holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the Lebanese American University. They have also completed a Social Media Marketing Certification CourseRead more

Yara Hitti Current Workplace

Leo Burnett MENA

2024-present (10 months)

The Leo Burnett Group MENA is headquartered in Dubai with offices in Abu Dhabi, Doha, Riyadh, Jeddah, Kuwait, Beirut, Amman, Sulaymaniyah, Erbil, Cairo and Casablanca, and an affiliation office in Algeria. The Leo Burnett Group of Companies consists of Leo Burnett (Cross-Channel Brand Agency), Leo Burnett/Arc (Cross-Channel Activation Agency), Flip Media (Interactive Agency), Atelier (Luxury Agency) and LeoComm PR (PR Consultancy). A network team of close to 750 talented employees is committed to enhancing their clients' competitive advantage through an integrated, multidisciplinary communications approach that converts brand buyers into brand believers.

Yara Hitti Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Manager, Social Media

Made for Brands Studio


Senior Social Media Specialist



Elected Communication of The Officer & Association Graduate Student

The American College of Greece


Head of Marketing Communications



Org Chart - Leo Burnett MENA


Senior Content Executive




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Yara Hitti

What company does Yara Hitti work for?
Yara Hitti works for Leo Burnett MENA as Senior Content Executive
What is Yara Hitti’s role in Leo Burnett MENA?
Yara Hitti’s role in Leo Burnett MENA is Senior Content Executive
What is Yara Hitti’s direct phone number?
Yara Hitti’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Yara Hitti’s work phone number?
Yara Hitti’s headquarters phone number is +971 43672600
What is Yara Hitti’s latest job experience?
Yara Hitti’s latest job experience is Manager, Social Media at Made for Brands Studio
Which industry does Yara Hitti work in?
Yara Hitti works in the industry of Advertising & Marketing, Business Services.
Who are Yara Hitti’s peers at other companies?
Yara Hitti’s peers at other companies are Shubh Khastagir, Ramin Edmond, Douaa Al Sater, Suchita Gonsalves, Jeffrey Albina.
Who are Yara Hitti’s colleagues?
Some of Yara Hitti’s colleagues are Michel Daou, Maha Khawaja, Karim Koleilat, Georgina Pearson.
Who is Yara Hitti?

Yara Hitti is a Senior Content Executive based in Beirut, Lebanon, at Leo Burnett MENA. They are responsible for overseeing the creation and execution of engaging content strategies across various digital platforms. With a background in production and planning, Yara has honed their leadership skills while developing effective communication strategi... es for online social media platforms and organizations.Prior to their current role, Yara served as the Manager of Social Media at Made for Brands Studio, where they were in charge of managing social media marketing calendars, optimizing online platforms, and implementing organic strategies. Through their expertise in interpersonal communication, search engine optimization, and social media marketing, Yara was able to drive successful campaigns and enhance the overall digital presence of the company.Yara holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the Lebanese American University. They have also completed a Social Media Marketing Certification Course, further strengthening their skills in the digital marketing and communications field.Read More

Where is Yara Hitti based?
Yara Hitti works for Leo Burnett MENA, located at Kuwait
See more information about Yara Hitti

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