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<1Last Update 9/16/2024 2:06 AM
About Wong Loong
Hsien Loong began his career in investor relations, serving various companies across a wide breadth of industries, including biotechnology, hi-tech, mining and oil and gas. His 20-plus years as an entrepreneur and business executive culminated in his appointment as the CEO of Nexgen Petroleum Corporation, an oil and gas exploration company in Tennessee, USA. After his tenure as CEO, Mr. Wong established a career in Singapore, primarily in Real Estate, warehousing and logistics. Hsien Loong currently serves as a director to Food Bank Singapore, a registered charity, and also sits on the sub-committee at the National University Singapore Society (NUSS). Mr. Wong received his BA (Hons) in Communications from Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, Canada and his MSc in Real Estate from the National University of Singapore.Read moreWong Loong Current Workplace
Wong Loong Work Experience & Education
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1Average duration at a company (years)
<1Board Memberships & Affiliations
Chm Chief Executive Officer & Chief Financial Officer
Property Management Corporation of America2017-
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Wong Loong
Hsien Loong began his career in investor relations, serving various companies across a wide breadth of industries, including biotechnology, hi-tech, mining and oil and gas. His 20-plus years as an entrepreneur and business executive culminated in his appointment as the CEO of Nexgen Petroleum Corporation, an oil and gas exploration company in Tenne... ssee, USA. After his tenure as CEO, Mr. Wong established a career in Singapore, primarily in Real Estate, warehousing and logistics. Hsien Loong currently serves as a director to Food Bank Singapore, a registered charity, and also sits on the sub-committee at the National University Singapore Society (NUSS). Mr. Wong received his BA (Hons) in Communications from Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, Canada and his MSc in Real Estate from the National University of Singapore.Read More