Willy Matyjasik

Engineer Manager at Changshu

Willy Matyjasik Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Willy Matyjasik Current Workplace




Number of Employees

Willy Matyjasik Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Willy Matyjasik

Willy Matyjasik is an Engineer Manager at Changshu. They are responsible for overseeing various engineering projects and teams. Prior to their current role, Willy held the position of Senior Project Manager at GEA. Willy holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Copenhagen University, where they honed their technical expertise and problem-solving skills.Explore more

Willy Matyjasik Current Workplace


1972-present (53 years)

Factories located in scenic Jiangnan Water - Changshu City, east to Shanghai, south of State Road 204, Sujiahang Expressway and Yanjiang highway intersection here, the transportation is convenient. Our factory has 80 inches of semi automatic computerized flat knitting machine and automatic computerized flat knitting machine Taiwan, 3-16 needles of various rib (raw wool, cotton, acrylic, urethane elastic fiber, mercerized wool, polyester and other) production, the company has advanced equipment and sophisticated technology, with world-class advanced technology and equipment, has perfect physical and chemical testing equipment and exquisite manufacturing technology, by the love and support of all the new and old customers. Upholding the company will always be "people-oriented" business philosophy, continue to forge ahead, advancing with the times, to the customer is supreme, excellent quality, preferential prices and sincere service, establish Jiaqi brand image, with every new and old cuSee more

Willy Matyjasik Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Senior Project Manager



Org Chart - Changshu


Engineer Manager




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Willy Matyjasik

What company does Willy Matyjasik work for?
Willy Matyjasik works for Changshu as Engineer Manager
What is Willy Matyjasik’s role in Changshu?
Willy Matyjasik’s role in Changshu is Engineer Manager
What is Willy Matyjasik’s email address?
Willy Matyjasik’s email address is w***@yifanfabric.com.cn
What is Willy Matyjasik’s business email address?
Willy Matyjasik’s business email address is w***@yifanfabric.com.cn
What is Willy Matyjasik’s direct phone number?
Willy Matyjasik’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Willy Matyjasik’s latest job experience?
Willy Matyjasik’s latest job experience is Senior Project Manager at GEA
Which industry does Willy Matyjasik work in?
Willy Matyjasik works in the industry of Textiles & Apparel, Consumer Goods, Manufacturing.
Who are Willy Matyjasik’s peers at other companies?
Willy Matyjasik’s peers at other companies are Al Mirabitur, Roy Kershaw, Irvin Omar, Raymond Althaus, Irvin Rivera Guardado.
Who are Willy Matyjasik’s colleagues?
Some of Willy Matyjasik’s colleagues are Kelen Wang, Sissi Huang, Anny Wu, Tomoyuki Saka.
How can I contact Willy Matyjasik?
Willy Matyjasik contact details: Email address: w***@yifanfabric.com.cn Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Willy Matyjasik?

Willy Matyjasik is an Engineer Manager at Changshu. They are responsible for overseeing various engineering projects and teams. Prior to their current role, Willy held the position of Senior Project Manager at GEA. Willy holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Copenhagen University, where they honed their technical expertise and problem-solving ski... lls.Read More

Where is Willy Matyjasik based?
Willy Matyjasik works for Changshu, located at China
See more information about Willy Matyjasik

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