Willie Polk

Maintenance Mechanic at J.B. Hunt Transport

Willie Polk Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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About Willie Polk

Willie Polk is a Maintenance Mechanic at J.B. Hunt Transport based in Lowell, Arkansas.Explore more

Willie Polk Current Workplace

J.B. Hunt Transport

2023-present (2 years)

J.B. Hunt Transport Services Inc. is on a mission to create the most efficient transportation network in North America. The company's industry-leading solutions and mode-neutral approach generate value for customers by eliminating waste, reducing costs and enhancing supply chain visibility. Powered by one of the largest company-owned fleets in the country with trailing equipment and nearly one million accessible trucks through its J.B. Hunt 360® digital freight marketplace, J.B. Hunt can meet the unique shipping needs of any business, from first mile to final delivery, and every shipment in-between. Through disciplined investments in its people, technology and capacity, J.B. Hunt is delivering exceptional value and service that enable long-term growth for the company and its stakeholders. J.B. Hunt Transport Services Inc. is a Fortune 500 company, an S&P 500 company and a component of the Dow Jones Transportation Average. Its stock trades on NASDAQ under the ticker symbol JBHT. J.B. HuSee more

Org Chart - J.B. Hunt Transport


Maintenance Mechanic




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Willie Polk

What company does Willie Polk work for?
Willie Polk works for J.B. Hunt Transport as Maintenance Mechanic
What is Willie Polk’s role in J.B. Hunt Transport?
Willie Polk’s role in J.B. Hunt Transport is Maintenance Mechanic
What is Willie Polk’s email address?
Willie Polk’s email address is w***@jbhunt.com
What is Willie Polk’s business email address?
Willie Polk’s business email address is w***@jbhunt.com
What is Willie Polk’s direct phone number?
Willie Polk’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Willie Polk’s work phone number?
Willie Polk’s headquarters phone number is (479) 820-0000
Which industry does Willie Polk work in?
Willie Polk works in the industry of Freight & Logistics Services, Transportation.
Who are Willie Polk’s peers at other companies?
Willie Polk’s peers at other companies are James Madison, Austin Gandy, Kassedy Watson, Clifford Nery, Chris Herzog.
Who are Willie Polk’s colleagues?
Some of Willie Polk’s colleagues are Zackary Cleveland, Darren Field, Jena Jennings, Yesiania Akbay.
How can I contact Willie Polk?
Willie Polk contact details: Email address: w***@jbhunt.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Willie Polk?

Willie Polk is a Maintenance Mechanic at J.B. Hunt Transport based in Lowell, Arkansas.... Read More

Where is Willie Polk based?
Willie Polk works for J.B. Hunt Transport, located at United States
See more information about Willie Polk

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