Willie Hurst

Roofing Consultant and Project Manager at Guaranteed Roofing

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Willie Hurst Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Willie Hurst Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Willie Hurst Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Willie Hurst

Willie Hurst is a Roofing Consultant and Project Manager at Guaranteed Roofing based in Maineville, Ohio. Previously, Willie was a Senior Manager, Client Business Nationals at Cincinnati Bell and also held positions at Outback Steakhouse. Willie received a Real Estate degree from Hondros College.

Willie Hurst Current Workplace

Guaranteed Roofing

2013-present (11 years)

We are a local ROOFING & SIDING company based in Maineville & Milford Ohio. We are a 3rd generation contractor that has been rooted in Cincinnati sine 1953. Jason Grimes (the owner) graduated from Milford High school in 1990. We are very professional, punctual & trustworthy. Choosing the right contractor can be a difficult task, so we are here to help you from start to finish. From the beginning estimate, explaining the materials & workmanship, to the shingle colors & profile choices.

Willie Hurst Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Senior Manager, Client Business Nationals

Cincinnati Bell


Account Manager

Cincinnati Bell


Business Communications Consultant

Cincinnati Bell


Team Leader, Communications & Consultant

Cincinnati Bell




Real Estate

Hondros College

Org Chart - Guaranteed Roofing

Willie Hurst

Roofing Consultant and Project Mana...

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Willie Hurst

What company does Willie Hurst work for?
Willie Hurst works for Guaranteed Roofing as Roofing Consultant and Project Manager
What is Willie Hurst’s role in Guaranteed Roofing?
Willie Hurst’s role in Guaranteed Roofing is Roofing Consultant and Project Manager
What is Willie Hurst’s email address?
Willie Hurst’s email address is w***@guaranteedroofingohio.com
What is Willie Hurst’s business email address?
Willie Hurst’s business email address is w***@guaranteedroofingohio.com
What is Willie Hurst’s direct phone number?
Willie Hurst’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Willie Hurst’s work phone number?
Willie Hurst’s headquarters phone number is (513) 583-5917
What is Willie Hurst’s latest job experience?
Willie Hurst’s latest job experience is Senior Manager, Client Business Nationals at Cincinnati Bell
What is Willie Hurst’s latest education?
Willie Hurst’s latest education in Real Estate at Hondros College
Which industry does Willie Hurst work in?
Willie Hurst works in the industry of Commercial & Residential Construction, Construction.
Who are Willie Hurst’s peers at other companies?
Willie Hurst’s peers at other companies are Garrett Matthews, Kaleb Doyal, Jordan Powers, Jim Pasternak, Adan Mendiola.
How can I contact Willie Hurst?
Willie Hurst contact details: Email address: w***@guaranteedroofingohio.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Willie Hurst?

Willie Hurst is a Roofing Consultant and Project Manager at Guaranteed Roofing based in Maineville, Ohio. Previously, Willie was a Senior Manager, Client Business Nationals at Cincinnati Bell and also held positions at Outback Steakhouse. Willie received a Real Estate degree from Hondros College....

Where is Willie Hurst based?
Willie Hurst works for Guaranteed Roofing, located at United States