2013-present (12 years)
William Nielsen
Manager, Product Development at Knud Nielsen
William Nielsen Email & Phone number
William Nielsen Current Workplace
217 Park St, Evergreen, Alabama, 36401, United States
Phone Number
(251) 578-2900
Number of Employees
William Nielsen Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
9Average duration at a company (years)
2Number of job titles
8About William Nielsen
William Nielsen is a Manager, Product Development at Knud Nielsen based in Evergreen, Alabama.
Previously, William was a Legislative Associate at Balch & Bingham and also held positions at LATITUDE 36 FOODS, Pinna, Johnston & Burwell, Gene T Moore, Bradley Arant Rose White, New York Jets.
William received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Vanderbilt University and a Master of Education from Vanderbilt University.
William Nielsen Current Workplace
Knud Nielsen
Knud Nielsen Company is now the largest company in the world devoted exclusively to dried flowers and materials. The company currently employs over 350 people and has over 550,000 square feet of production and warehouse space in Evergreen.
William Nielsen Work Experience & Education
Recent News About William Nielsen
Stories Archives - Page 6 of 13 - This Is Alabama
William Nielsen , sales manager of Knud Nielsen Company , Evergreen, Alabama, examines holiday wreaths created by employee Tammy Lee. (Photo by Emmett...
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding William Nielsen
William Nielsen is a Manager, Product Development at Knud Nielsen based in Evergreen, Alabama. Previously, William was a Legislative Associate at Balch & Bingham and also held positions at LATITUDE 36 FOODS, Pinna, Johnston & Burwell, Gene T Moore, Bradley Arant Rose White, New York Jets. William received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Vanderbilt...