William Nielsen

Manager, Product Development at Knud Nielsen

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William Nielsen Email & Phone number


(251) ***-****

William Nielsen Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

William Nielsen Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About William Nielsen

William Nielsen is a Manager, Product Development at Knud Nielsen based in Evergreen, Alabama. Previously, William was a Legislative Associate at Balch & Bingham and also held positions at LATITUDE 36 FOODS, Pinna, Johnston & Burwell, Gene T Moore, Bradley Arant Rose White, New York Jets. William received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Vanderbilt University and a Master of Education from Vanderbilt University.

William Nielsen Current Workplace

Knud Nielsen

2013-present (12 years)

Knud Nielsen Company is now the largest company in the world devoted exclusively to dried flowers and materials. The company currently employs over 350 people and has over 550,000 square feet of production and warehouse space in Evergreen.

William Nielsen Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Campaign Advance

Romney for President


Legislative Associate

Balch & Bingham


Associate Attorney



Summer Law Clerk

Pinna, Johnston & Burwell




Bachelor of Arts - Economics

Vanderbilt University

Master of Education - Community Development and Action

Vanderbilt University

Org Chart - Knud Nielsen

William Nielsen

Manager, Product Development

Recent News About William Nielsen

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding William Nielsen

What company does William Nielsen work for?
William Nielsen works for Knud Nielsen as Manager, Product Development
What is William Nielsen’s role in Knud Nielsen?
William Nielsen’s role in Knud Nielsen is Manager, Product Development
What is William Nielsen’s email address?
William Nielsen’s email address is w***@knudnielsen.com
What is William Nielsen’s business email address?
William Nielsen’s business email address is w***@knudnielsen.com
What is William Nielsen’s direct phone number?
William Nielsen’s direct phone number is (251) ***-****
What is William Nielsen’s work phone number?
William Nielsen’s headquarters phone number is (251) 578-2900
What is William Nielsen’s latest job experience?
William Nielsen’s latest job experience is Campaign Advance at Romney for President
What is William Nielsen’s latest education?
William Nielsen’s latest education in Bachelor of Arts - Economics at Vanderbilt University
Which industry does William Nielsen work in?
William Nielsen works in the industry of Chemicals, Petrochemicals, Glass & Gases, Manufacturing.
Who are William Nielsen’s peers at other companies?
William Nielsen’s peers at other companies are George Sears, Brian Johnson, Erin Frier, Swapnil Arve, Brian Barcomb.
Who are William Nielsen’s colleagues?
Some of William Nielsen’s colleagues are Meggan Nichols, Tom Nielsen, Amber Edmond, Edward Robinson.
How can I contact William Nielsen?
William Nielsen contact details: Email address: w***@knudnielsen.com Phone number: (251) ***-****
Who is William Nielsen?

William Nielsen is a Manager, Product Development at Knud Nielsen based in Evergreen, Alabama. Previously, William was a Legislative Associate at Balch & Bingham and also held positions at LATITUDE 36 FOODS, Pinna, Johnston & Burwell, Gene T Moore, Bradley Arant Rose White, New York Jets. William received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Vanderbilt... University and a Master of Education from Vanderbilt University.

Where is William Nielsen based?
William Nielsen works for Knud Nielsen, located at United States