
William Crespo

Director, Security at Hines

William Crespo Email & Phone number


(312) ***-****

William Crespo Current Workplace




Phone Number

Number of Employees


William Crespo Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About William Crespo

William Crespo is a Director, Security at Hines based in Houston, Texas.

William Crespo Current Workplace


2007-present (17 years)

Founded in 1957, Hines is a privately owned global real estate investment, development, and management firm that offers services in Investment Management, Acquisitions, Development Management, and more.

William Crespo Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Director, Security

Equity Office Properties


Org Chart - Hines

William Crespo

Director, Security

Intent on William Crespo's Company


Interest in William Crespo's Company

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding William Crespo

What company does William Crespo work for?
William Crespo works for Hines as Director, Security
What is William Crespo’s role in Hines?
William Crespo’s role in Hines is Director, Security
What is William Crespo’s email address?
William Crespo’s email address is w***@hines.com
What is William Crespo’s business email address?
William Crespo’s business email address is w***@hines.com
What is William Crespo’s direct phone number?
William Crespo’s direct phone number is (312) ***-****
What is William Crespo’s work phone number?
William Crespo’s headquarters phone number is (713) 621-8000
What is William Crespo’s latest job experience?
William Crespo’s latest job experience is Director, Security at Equity Office Properties
Which industry does William Crespo work in?
William Crespo works in the industry of Real Estate.
Who are William Crespo’s peers at other companies?
William Crespo’s peers at other companies are John Snyder, Dean Helm, Tim Casey, Shawn O'Neill, James Gordon.
Who are William Crespo’s colleagues?
Some of William Crespo’s colleagues are Chris Cancienne, Max Soto, Aura Aura, Ashley Reynolds.
How can I contact William Crespo?
William Crespo contact details: Email address: w***@hines.com Phone number: (312) ***-****
Who is William Crespo?

William Crespo is a Director, Security at Hines based in Houston, Texas....

Where is William Crespo based?
William Crespo works for Hines, located at United States