Will Weidman

Will Weidman

President at Weidman Consulting

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Will Weidman Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(585) ***-****

Will Weidman Current Workplace



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Will Weidman Work Experience Summary

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Average duration at a company (years)


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About Will Weidman

Will Weidman is the President of Weidman Consulting, based in Rochester, United States. Prior to his current role, he served as an Internet Consultant at NetSetGO. Weidman holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Notre Dame. In his role at Weidman Consulting, he is responsible for overseeing the strategic direction and day-to-day operations of the firm, leveraging his extensive experience in the technology industry.Explore more

Will Weidman Current Workplace

Weidman Consulting

2002-present (23 years)

Weidman Consulting is an Internet Marketing services firm located in the Greater Rochester NY area. Will Weidman founded Weidman Consulting in June 2002, and we currently have over 20 active clients in Buffalo, Syracuse, and Rochester, NY and throughout the New York Finger Lakes Region. Our expertise is in Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Web Analytics, and Internet Marketing Strategy Development. Search Engine Marketing includes both Search Engine Optimization as well as Search Engine Advertising. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) involves modifying existing or new Web sites, and acquiring links pointing into those sites (inbound links) in order to achieve higher search engine rankings and increase the amount of targeted traffic. Weidman Consulting also designs and manages Search Engine Advertising campaigns. Paid search advertising, or Pay-Per-Click (PPC), involves the placement of advertisements in the "Sponsored Links" areas of search engine results pages. Web Analytics involves the aSee more

Will Weidman Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Internet Consultant



Integration Manager, Systems Engineering





Bachelor of Science - Electrical Engineering

University of Notre Dame

Master of Science - Electrical Engineering

Rochester Institute of Technology

Org Chart - Weidman Consulting

Profile Picture






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Will Weidman

What company does Will Weidman work for?
Will Weidman works for Weidman Consulting as President
What is Will Weidman’s role in Weidman Consulting?
Will Weidman’s role in Weidman Consulting is President
What is Will Weidman’s email address?
Will Weidman’s email address is w***@weidmanconsulting.com
What is Will Weidman’s business email address?
Will Weidman’s business email address is w***@weidmanconsulting.com
What is Will Weidman’s direct phone number?
Will Weidman’s direct phone number is (585) ***-****
What is Will Weidman’s work phone number?
Will Weidman’s headquarters phone number is (585) 232-9159
What is Will Weidman’s latest job experience?
Will Weidman’s latest job experience is Internet Consultant at NetSetGO
What is Will Weidman’s latest education?
Will Weidman’s latest education in Bachelor of Science - Electrical Engineering at University of Notre Dame
Which industry does Will Weidman work in?
Will Weidman works in the industry of Management Consulting, Business Services.
Who are Will Weidman’s peers at other companies?
Will Weidman’s peers at other companies are Scott MacKnight, Beth Ronnenburg, Joseph Celentano, Barry Ashar, Tim Leiweke.
Who are Will Weidman’s colleagues?
Some of Will Weidman’s colleagues are Bob Weidman.
How can I contact Will Weidman?
Will Weidman contact details: Email address: w***@weidmanconsulting.com Phone number: (585) ***-****
Who is Will Weidman?

Will Weidman is the President of Weidman Consulting, based in Rochester, United States. Prior to his current role, he served as an Internet Consultant at NetSetGO. Weidman holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Notre Dame. In his role at Weidman Consulting, he is responsible for overseeing the strategic direction and day-to-day o... perations of the firm, leveraging his extensive experience in the technology industry.Read More

Where is Will Weidman based?
Will Weidman works for Weidman Consulting, located at United States
Who is Weidman Consulting’s President?
Weidman Consulting's President is Will Weidman
See more information about Will Weidman

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