Werick Souza

Assistente Técnico at Engeman

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(***) ***-****

Werick Souza Current Workplace




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Number of Employees

Werick Souza Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Werick Souza

Werick Souza is an Assistente Técnico at Engeman based in Macae, Rio de Janeiro. Previously, Werick was a 1 and 2 Oficial Caldeiraria at Techocean Engineering Solutions.Explore more

Werick Souza Current Workplace


2024-present (8 months)

ENGEMAN atua com excelncia no desenvolvimento de solues para os diversos setores da indstria. A empresa é uma das mais sólidas no mercado brasileiro em manuteno e operao de equipamentos industriais em instalaes martimas e terrestres. Outras atividades desempenhadas fortemente por ela, compreendem a fabricao de componentes e equipamentos e a comercializao de peas nacionais e importadas.

Werick Souza Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

1 and 2 Oficial Caldeiraria

Techocean Engineering Solutions


Caixa De Atendimento Ao Cliente

casa de carne Henriques Fialho


Auxiliar De Mecânico

Minas auto Mecânica


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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Werick Souza

What company does Werick Souza work for?
Werick Souza works for Engeman as Assistente Técnico
What is Werick Souza’s role in Engeman?
Werick Souza’s role in Engeman is Assistente Técnico
What is Werick Souza’s direct phone number?
Werick Souza’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Werick Souza’s work phone number?
Werick Souza’s headquarters phone number is +55 8134973050
What is Werick Souza’s latest job experience?
Werick Souza’s latest job experience is 1 and 2 Oficial Caldeiraria at Techocean Engineering Solutions
Which industry does Werick Souza work in?
Werick Souza works in the industry of Industrial Machinery & Equipment, Manufacturing.
Who are Werick Souza’s peers at other companies?
Werick Souza’s peers at other companies are Claudio Silva Pereira, Renan Lauxen, Fernando Silva, Alisson Felipe, Cleber Milanez.
Who are Werick Souza’s colleagues?
Some of Werick Souza’s colleagues are Reginaldo Werneck, Darlan Romais, Diones Marco, Breno Benzin.
Who is Werick Souza?

Werick Souza is an Assistente Técnico at Engeman based in Macae, Rio de Janeiro. Previously, Werick was a 1 and 2 Oficial Caldeiraria at Techocean Engineering Solutions.... Read More

Where is Werick Souza based?
Werick Souza works for Engeman, located at Brazil
See more information about Werick Souza

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