Wejdan Alosaimi

Senior VP, People & Organization Excellence at Riyad Bank

Wejdan Alosaimi Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Wejdan Alosaimi Current Workplace


Riyad Bank


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Wejdan Alosaimi Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Wejdan Alosaimi

Wejdan Alosaimi is the Senior VP, People & Organization Excellence at Riyad Bank, based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. In her current role, she is responsible for driving the bank's people strategy and organizational development initiatives. Prior to her current position, she served as the Senior VP, Rewards, Performance & Organizational Development at Riyad Bank. Wejdan holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from King Saud University.Explore more

Wejdan Alosaimi Current Workplace

Riyad Bank

2023-present (1 year)

Riyad Bank is engaged in banking and investment services. It operates through the following segments: Retail, Investment banking and brokerage, Corporate, Treasury and investments and Other. The Retail segment focuses on the deposit, credit and investment products for individuals and small to medium sized businesses. The Investment banking and brokerage engages in investment management services and asset management activities related to dealing, managing, arranging, advising and custody of securities. The Corporate segment handles customers' current accounts, deposits and providing loans, overdrafts and other credit facilities and derivative. The Treasury and investments segment provides money market trading and treasury services as well as the management of the Bank's investment portfolios. The Other segment includes income on capital and unallocated costs pertaining to head office, finance division, human resources, technology services and other support departments and unallocated asSee more

Wejdan Alosaimi Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Senior VP, Rewards, Performance & Organizational Development

Riyad Bank


Senior Manager, Engagement

Mercer Middle East


Project Manager

Mercer Middle East



Mercer Middle East




Bachelor of Business Administration - 4.35/5

King Saud University

Org Chart - Riyad Bank


Senior VP, People & Organization Ex...




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Wejdan Alosaimi

What company does Wejdan Alosaimi work for?
Wejdan Alosaimi works for Riyad Bank as Senior VP, People & Organization Excellence
What is Wejdan Alosaimi’s role in Riyad Bank?
Wejdan Alosaimi’s role in Riyad Bank is Senior VP, People & Organization Excellence
What is Wejdan Alosaimi’s email address?
Wejdan Alosaimi’s email address is w***@riyadbank.com
What is Wejdan Alosaimi’s business email address?
Wejdan Alosaimi’s business email address is w***@riyadbank.com
What is Wejdan Alosaimi’s direct phone number?
Wejdan Alosaimi’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Wejdan Alosaimi’s work phone number?
Wejdan Alosaimi’s headquarters phone number is +966 114013030
What is Wejdan Alosaimi’s latest job experience?
Wejdan Alosaimi’s latest job experience is Senior VP, Rewards, Performance & Organizational Development at Riyad Bank
What is Wejdan Alosaimi’s latest education?
Wejdan Alosaimi’s latest education in Bachelor of Business Administration - 4.35/5 at King Saud University
Which industry does Wejdan Alosaimi work in?
Wejdan Alosaimi works in the industry of Banking, Finance.
Who are Wejdan Alosaimi’s colleagues?
Some of Wejdan Alosaimi’s colleagues are Vasanth Raju, Manish Pandey, Rami Alghamdi, Akshat Sharma.
How can I contact Wejdan Alosaimi?
Wejdan Alosaimi contact details: Email address: w***@riyadbank.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Wejdan Alosaimi?

Wejdan Alosaimi is the Senior VP, People & Organization Excellence at Riyad Bank, based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. In her current role, she is responsible for driving the bank's people strategy and organizational development initiatives. Prior to her current position, she served as the Senior VP, Rewards, Performance & Organizational Development at R... iyad Bank. Wejdan holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from King Saud University.Read More

Where is Wejdan Alosaimi based?
Wejdan Alosaimi works for Riyad Bank, located at Saudi Arabia
See more information about Wejdan Alosaimi

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