2013-present (12 years)
Wayne Theobald
Mechatronics Mechanical Training Instructor at Manufacturing Maintenance Solutions
Wayne Theobald Email & Phone number
Wayne Theobald Current Workplace
14646 Watson Rd, Pekin, Illinois, 61554, United States
Phone Number
(309) 263-6077
Number of Employees
Wayne Theobald Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
4Average duration at a company (years)
15Number of job titles
4About Wayne Theobald
Wayne Theobald is a Mechatronics Mechanical Training Instructor at Manufacturing Maintenance Solutions based in Pekin, Illinois.
Previously, Wayne was a Supervisor, Facilities Engineering at Caterpillar and also held positions at Illinois Central College, Advanced Technology Services.
Wayne Theobald Current Workplace
Manufacturing Maintenance Solutions
Manufacturing Maintenance Solutions, Inc. (MMS), is a manufacturing process support organization committed to 100% customer satisfaction. The members of the MMS team are highly engaged, skilled and customer focused. MMS offers its customers mechanical/electrical repair of machine tools, process and plant equipment with 24/7 emergency repairs, offering complete rebuild or retrofit services of mechanical and electrical components. We also build new machines and equipment to the design specifications of our customers or the MMS engineering staff. Focused with up-to-the-minute technology, MMS utilizes a complete line of state-of-the-art diagnostic and predictive maintenance tools used by world class technicians who are highly trained in data analysis to determine root cause and recommend appropriate corrective actions. MMS electrical engineers have experience in most traditional PLC and CNC controls, including, but not limited to Allen Bradley, Fanuc, Siemens, Omron, Mitsubishi and open arSee more
Wayne Theobald Work Experience & Education
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Wayne Theobald
Wayne Theobald is a Mechatronics Mechanical Training Instructor at Manufacturing Maintenance Solutions based in Pekin, Illinois. Previously, Wayne was a Supervisor, Facilities Engineering at Caterpillar and also held positions at Illinois Central College, Advanced Technology Services....