Wayne Hanley

President Local 206, International Vice President at UFCW Local 401

Wayne Hanley Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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Wayne Hanley Work Experience Summary

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About Wayne Hanley

Wayne Hanley is a President Local 206, International Vice President at UFCW Local 401 based in Etobicoke, Ontario. Wayne received a Bachelor of Science degree degree from University of Toronto.Explore more

Wayne Hanley Current Workplace

UFCW Local 401

2013-present (11 years)

We are the largest private sector local union in the province. We are one of Alberta youngest and most diverse unions. Nearly half of the unions members are under 30. As well, the male female ratio of UFCW Local 401 members is 50/50 We represent workers in every geographic region of Alberta. We have offices in Edmonton, Calgary and Lethbridge, Brooks, and Fort McMurray but we travel to provide direct service to our members province wide. Our purpose is to improve the working lives of our members and all workers and we have been doing so in this province for over fifty years. While known for representing employees in the food processing and retail sector, we are much more diverse than that. Whether you work in a convention centre, a restaurant, a funeral home, a rental car agency, hotel, or office, you can join UFCW Local 401. We are a democratic not for profit organization, affiliated with various civic labour councils, the Alberta Federation of Labour and the Canadian Labour Congress.See more

Wayne Hanley Work Experience & Education

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Bachelor of Science degree

University of Toronto

Org Chart - UFCW Local 401


President Local 206, International ...




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Wayne Hanley

What company does Wayne Hanley work for?
Wayne Hanley works for UFCW Local 401 as President Local 206, International Vice President
What is Wayne Hanley’s role in UFCW Local 401?
Wayne Hanley’s role in UFCW Local 401 is President Local 206, International Vice President
What is Wayne Hanley’s email address?
Wayne Hanley’s email address is w***@ufcw.ca
What is Wayne Hanley’s business email address?
Wayne Hanley’s business email address is w***@ufcw.ca
What is Wayne Hanley’s direct phone number?
Wayne Hanley’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Wayne Hanley’s work phone number?
Wayne Hanley’s headquarters phone number is (403) 291-1047
What is Wayne Hanley’s latest education?
Wayne Hanley’s latest education in Bachelor of Science degree at University of Toronto
Which industry does Wayne Hanley work in?
Wayne Hanley works in the industry of Membership Organizations, Organizations.
Who are Wayne Hanley’s colleagues?
Some of Wayne Hanley’s colleagues are Matt Fox, Darla Mitton, Thomas Feth, Paul Meinema.
How can I contact Wayne Hanley?
Wayne Hanley contact details: Email address: w***@ufcw.ca Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Wayne Hanley?

Wayne Hanley is a President Local 206, International Vice President at UFCW Local 401 based in Etobicoke, Ontario. Wayne received a Bachelor of Science degree degree from University of Toronto.... Read More

Where is Wayne Hanley based?
Wayne Hanley works for UFCW Local 401, located at Canada
Who is UFCW Local 401’s President Local 206, International Vice President?
UFCW Local 401's President Local 206, International Vice President is Wayne Hanley
See more information about Wayne Hanley

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