2023-present (2 years)
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Ward Pitkin Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
4Average duration at a company (years)
8Number of job titles
6Last Update 1/7/2025 10:09 AM
About Ward Pitkin
Ward Pitkin works as a Strategic Marketing Consultant at Swave, which is an Electronics company with an estimated 16 employees. They are part of Marketing Department and their management level is Non-Manager. Ward graduated from their alma mater, The University of Texas at Austin - Red McCombs School of Business in 2003. They used to work at Texas Instruments and Texas Instruments. Found email listings include: @swave.io, @ti.com.Explore more
Ward Pitkin Current Workplace
Swave Photonics is a fabless semiconductor company that designs and markets holographic chips based on proprietary diffractive photonics technology. Its mission is to bring the metaverse to life and enable display manufacturers and content creators to disrupt the visualization market with immersive, ultra-high-resolution, lifelike, true holographic displays. Swave envisions a world where holographic displays give everyone the power to visualize the impossible, collaborate and accomplish more.
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Tuxtops | Mobility with Linux
" MontaVista Software continues to drive Linux beyond the traditional Linux markets, into new market segments such as the mobile handset," commented W...bio
Ward Pitkin WTBU Cellular Systems S/W Product Line Manager, Wireless Terminals Business Unit, Texas Instruments Ward Pitkin holds a BSC in Electr...MontaVista - Commercial-Grade Linux OS for Intelligent Devices
Ward Pitkin , Software Product Manager, Texas InstrumentsLearn About MontaVista's Worldwide Partner Program
Ward Pitkin , Software Product Manager, Texas Instruments Partner Home
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