Walter Dea

Vice President and Senior Operational Risk Manager at Bank of the West

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Walter Dea Email & Phone number


(415) ***-****

Walter Dea Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Walter Dea Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Walter Dea

Walter Dea is a Vice President and Senior Operational Risk Manager at Bank of the West based in San Francisco, California. Previously, Walter was a Senior Manager, Financial at Stanford University and also held positions at JPMorgan Chase, Washington Mutual Card Services, Providian Financial, DHL International. Walter received a Bachelor of Science degree from San Francisco State University and a Master of Business Administration from Golden Gate University.

Walter Dea Current Workplace

Bank of the West

2010-present (15 years)

What is now Bank of the West has expanded over 130 years from the California frontier to its current position. The bank now serves nearly 4 million households and businesses in hundreds of communities in 19 Western and Midwestern states: Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, Wisconsin and Wyoming. Today, Bank of the West is a high-performance, full service regional financial services company with over $61 billion in assets, more than 700 commercial and retail banking locations and approximately 10,700 employees. The bank's development has been sustained through a strong focus on a superior level of customer service, promoted with Bank of the West's bear brand. Bank of the West employs a business model that lets the bank make service-focused decisions -- about credit, products and other aspects of its operations -- as quickly, consistently and as close to theSee more

Walter Dea Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Senior Manager, Financial

Stanford University


Vice President

JPMorgan Chase


Vice President

Washington Mutual Card Services



Providian Financial




Bachelor of Science

San Francisco State University

Master of Business Administration

Golden Gate University

Org Chart - Bank of the West

Walter Dea

Vice President and Senior Operation...

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Walter Dea

What company does Walter Dea work for?
Walter Dea works for Bank of the West as Vice President and Senior Operational Risk Manager
What is Walter Dea’s role in Bank of the West?
Walter Dea’s role in Bank of the West is Vice President and Senior Operational Risk Manager
What is Walter Dea’s email address?
Walter Dea’s email address is w***
What is Walter Dea’s business email address?
Walter Dea’s business email address is w***
What is Walter Dea’s direct phone number?
Walter Dea’s direct phone number is (415) ***-****
What is Walter Dea’s work phone number?
Walter Dea’s headquarters phone number is (415) 765-4800
What is Walter Dea’s latest job experience?
Walter Dea’s latest job experience is Senior Manager, Financial at Stanford University
What is Walter Dea’s latest education?
Walter Dea’s latest education in Bachelor of Science at San Francisco State University
Which industry does Walter Dea work in?
Walter Dea works in the industry of Banking, Finance.
Who are Walter Dea’s peers at other companies?
Walter Dea’s peers at other companies are Eileen Woodlief, Brett Bechtold.
Who are Walter Dea’s colleagues?
Some of Walter Dea’s colleagues are Rudy Arensdorff, Nandagopal Kuppusamy, Jean Hernandez, Jason Horn.
How can I contact Walter Dea?
Walter Dea contact details: Email address: w*** Phone number: (415) ***-****
Who is Walter Dea?

Walter Dea is a Vice President and Senior Operational Risk Manager at Bank of the West based in San Francisco, California. Previously, Walter was a Senior Manager, Financial at Stanford University and also held positions at JPMorgan Chase, Washington Mutual Card Services, Providian Financial, DHL International. Walter received a Bachelor of Scien... ce degree from San Francisco State University and a Master of Business Administration from Golden Gate University.

Where is Walter Dea based?
Walter Dea works for Bank of the West, located at United States