
Wally Yoshimoto

Sales at Patrick James

Wally Yoshimoto Email & Phone number


(559) ***-****

Wally Yoshimoto Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

About Wally Yoshimoto

Wally Yoshimoto is a Sales at Patrick James based in Fresno, California.

Wally Yoshimoto Current Workplace

Patrick James

2015-present (10 years)

Patrick James, Inc., founded in 1962, is a multi-channel retailer of men's lifestyle apparel. Merchandise includes sportswear, suits, jackets, denim, dress shirts, neckwear, shoes, and accessories. The Company operates 15 retail stores primarily in California, a highly successful national catalog/online business, and a unique division that plans and conducts inventory liquidation sales for other men's apparel retailers.

Org Chart - Patrick James

Wally Yoshimoto


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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Wally Yoshimoto

What company does Wally Yoshimoto work for?
Wally Yoshimoto works for Patrick James as Sales
What is Wally Yoshimoto’s role in Patrick James?
Wally Yoshimoto’s role in Patrick James is Sales
What is Wally Yoshimoto’s email address?
Wally Yoshimoto’s email address is w***@patrickjames.com
What is Wally Yoshimoto’s business email address?
Wally Yoshimoto’s business email address is w***@patrickjames.com
What is Wally Yoshimoto’s direct phone number?
Wally Yoshimoto’s direct phone number is (559) ***-****
What is Wally Yoshimoto’s work phone number?
Wally Yoshimoto’s headquarters phone number is (559) 448-0601
Which industry does Wally Yoshimoto work in?
Wally Yoshimoto works in the industry of Apparel & Accessories Retail, Retail.
Who are Wally Yoshimoto’s peers at other companies?
Wally Yoshimoto’s peers at other companies are Vickie Sanders, Paula Birchmier, Lexy Lindsell, Tyrone Newton, Duke Dallas.
Who are Wally Yoshimoto’s colleagues?
Some of Wally Yoshimoto’s colleagues are Richard Monroe, Lexee Toste, Erik Beermann, Frank Krahmann.
How can I contact Wally Yoshimoto?
Wally Yoshimoto contact details: Email address: w***@patrickjames.com Phone number: (559) ***-****
Who is Wally Yoshimoto?

Wally Yoshimoto is a Sales at Patrick James based in Fresno, California....

Where is Wally Yoshimoto based?
Wally Yoshimoto works for Patrick James, located at United States