2023-present (1 year)
Walkiria Quiroa Email & Phone number
Walkiria Quiroa Current Workplace
10900 NE 4th St Ste 2300, Bellevue, Washington, 98004, United States
Phone Number
(888) 804-4318
Number of Employees
Walkiria Quiroa Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
7Average duration at a company (years)
3Number of job titles
8About Walkiria Quiroa
Walkiria Quiroa is a Director, Product Management at Thrive Causemetics based in Bellevue, Washington.
Previously, Walkiria was a Director, Product Management at FabFitFun and also held positions at Thrive Market, Mandata, Sustain Brands, UCB, Rough Draft Studios.
Walkiria received a Associate of Arts degree from Los Angeles Valley College and a Bachelor of Arts from UC Irvine.
Walkiria Quiroa Current Workplace
Thrive Causemetics
About Thrive Causemetics: Thrive Causemetics is an independent, female-owned beauty brand that creates high-performance vegan cosmetics and supports a community of giving. All of Thrive Causemetics' products are free of parabens and sulfates in addition to being 100%cruelty-free. Through its Bigger Than Beauty program, every product you purchase results in a donation to help a woman thrive.
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Walkiria Quiroa
Walkiria Quiroa is a Director, Product Management at Thrive Causemetics based in Bellevue, Washington. Previously, Walkiria was a Director, Product Management at FabFitFun and also held positions at Thrive Market, Mandata, Sustain Brands, UCB, Rough Draft Studios. Walkiria received a Associate of Arts degree from Los Angeles Valley College and a...