Walaa Belfaquir

Medical Representative at Promoplus Pharma

Walaa Belfaquir Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Walaa Belfaquir Current Workplace


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Walaa Belfaquir Work Experience Summary

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About Walaa Belfaquir

Walaa Belfaquir works as a Medical Representative at Promoplus Pharma, which is a Manufacturing company with an estimated 150 employees. They are part of Sales Department. Walaa is currently based in Morocco. They used to work at Xen Laboratoires and La Saharienne. Found email listings include: w***@promoplus.ma.Explore more

Walaa Belfaquir Current Workplace

Promoplus Pharma

2024-present (10 months)

PROMOPLUS PHARMA est une société marocaine spécilaisée dans l'importation, la distribution, la vente et le marketing de produits pharmaceutiques et compléments alimentaires. PROMOPLUS PHARMA propose aux professionnels de santé des produits innovants et de qualité, à base dactifs naturels, notre équipe professionnelle et expérimentée accompagne les professionnels de la santé en étant à lécoute de leurs besoins et de leurs demandes. Notre Force, La connaissance et la matrise du marché pharmaceutique marocain depuis 1985; Le professionnalisme au service de lindustrie pharmaceutique marocaine; Lexercice avec respect de léthique et de la déontologie; La mise à disposition du corps médical et pharmaceutique dune gamme de produits innovants au service de la santé du patient marocain; La qualité des produits à travers la certification GMP de lensemble de ses partenaires fabricants.

Walaa Belfaquir Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Déléguée Medicale

Xen Laboratoires


Manager, Quality

La Saharienne


Chef De Projets Junior




CHP baouafi


Org Chart - Promoplus Pharma


Medical Representative




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Walaa Belfaquir

What company does Walaa Belfaquir work for?
Walaa Belfaquir works for Promoplus Pharma as Medical Representative
What is Walaa Belfaquir’s role in Promoplus Pharma?
Walaa Belfaquir’s role in Promoplus Pharma is Medical Representative
What is Walaa Belfaquir’s direct phone number?
Walaa Belfaquir’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Walaa Belfaquir’s latest job experience?
Walaa Belfaquir’s latest job experience is Déléguée Medicale at Xen Laboratoires
Which industry does Walaa Belfaquir work in?
Walaa Belfaquir works in the industry of Pharmaceuticals, Healthcare.
Who are Walaa Belfaquir’s peers at other companies?
Walaa Belfaquir’s peers at other companies are Israa Yousef, Mary Loqa, Manoj Kumar, Pankaj Birla, Ramy Farid.
Who are Walaa Belfaquir’s colleagues?
Some of Walaa Belfaquir’s colleagues are Aziz Fares, Hossam Bousserhane, Houssam Balouz, Mohamed Zemmouri.
Where is Walaa Belfaquir based?
Walaa Belfaquir works for Promoplus Pharma, located at Morocco
See more information about Walaa Belfaquir

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