Wakisha Hazzard

Public Defender at Hoover Historical Society

Wakisha Hazzard Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(***) ***-****

Wakisha Hazzard Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Wakisha Hazzard Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles


Last Update 12/28/2024 2:19 AM

About Wakisha Hazzard

Wakisha Hazzard is the Public Defender at the Hoover Historical Society. Responsible for advocating for clients and ensuring their legal rights are protected, she previously worked as an Attorney and Founder at The Hazzard Law Firm. Hazzard holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Georgia Southern University, bringing her expertise and dedication to her current role. Her commitment to justice and community service is evident in her work, making her a valuable asset to the Hoover Historical Society.

Wakisha Hazzard Current Workplace

Hoover Historical Society

2021-present (4 years)

The Hoover Historical Society, founded in 1989 by Vadie Honea, et. al., serves as the official archivist for the City of Hoover. The Society's goals are to increase knowledge of the history of Hoover-preserving and protecting objects and documents of historical relevance and encouraging the study of history as a discipline. The Archive is open for research; collection of records, relics, artifacts, and other items of historical interest. The Society works with national, state, regional and local historical organizations. The HHS also uses The Folklore Center, established 1997, to teach young students about pioneer life in 1840s Alabama. The Hoover Historical Society is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization.

Wakisha Hazzard Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Attorney & Founder

The Hazzard Law Firm


Legal Profession

Marsh Rickard & Bryan


Social Networker

YP Birmingham


Law Clerk

State of Alabama




Bachelor of Science degree - English and Fashion Merchandising

Georgia Southern University
Miles Law School
Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Member



Org Chart - Hoover Historical Society

Wakisha Hazzard

Public Defender

Recent News About Wakisha Hazzard

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Wakisha Hazzard

What company does Wakisha Hazzard work for?
Wakisha Hazzard works for Hoover Historical Society as Public Defender
What is Wakisha Hazzard’s role in Hoover Historical Society?
Wakisha Hazzard’s role in Hoover Historical Society is Public Defender
What is Wakisha Hazzard’s email address?
Wakisha Hazzard’s email address is w***@hooveralabama.gov
What is Wakisha Hazzard’s business email address?
Wakisha Hazzard’s business email address is w***@hooveralabama.gov
What is Wakisha Hazzard’s direct phone number?
Wakisha Hazzard’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Wakisha Hazzard’s work phone number?
Wakisha Hazzard’s headquarters phone number is (205) 739-7316
What is Wakisha Hazzard’s latest job experience?
Wakisha Hazzard’s latest job experience is Attorney & Founder at The Hazzard Law Firm
What is Wakisha Hazzard’s latest education?
Wakisha Hazzard’s latest education in Bachelor of Science degree - English and Fashion Merchandising at Georgia Southern University
Which industry does Wakisha Hazzard work in?
Wakisha Hazzard works in the industry of Museums & Art Galleries, Cultural.
Who are Wakisha Hazzard’s peers at other companies?
Wakisha Hazzard’s peers at other companies are Cash Haaser.
How can I contact Wakisha Hazzard?
Wakisha Hazzard contact details: Email address: w***@hooveralabama.gov Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Wakisha Hazzard?

Wakisha Hazzard is the Public Defender at the Hoover Historical Society. Responsible for advocating for clients and ensuring their legal rights are protected, she previously worked as an Attorney and Founder at The Hazzard Law Firm. Hazzard holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Georgia Southern University, bringing her expertise and dedication to... her current role. Her commitment to justice and community service is evident in her work, making her a valuable asset to the Hoover Historical Society.

Where is Wakisha Hazzard based?
Wakisha Hazzard works for Hoover Historical Society, located at United States