2017-present (8 years)
Wael ElShamy Email & Phone number
Wael ElShamy Current Workplace
3525 John Hopkins Ct Ste 200, San Diego, California, 92121, United States
Phone Number
(858) 200-7156
Number of Employees
Wael ElShamy Work Experience Summary
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3Number of job titles
3About Wael ElShamy
Wael ElShamy is a Professor at the San Diego Biomedical Research Institute, based in San Diego, United States. Prior to his current role, he served as an Associate Professor at the University of Mississippi Medical Center. ElShamy holds a B.Sc. degree from Ayn-Shams University. His work at the San Diego Biomedical Research Institute is focused on driving innovative research and developments in the field of biomedicine.
Wael ElShamy Current Workplace
San Diego Biomedical Research Institute
San Diego Biomedical Research Institute was incorporated as a nonprofit public benefit corporation under the laws of California on July 29, 2013 and commenced operations in April 2014. The SDBRI mission is to find new ways to predict and prevent cancer, diabetes, autoimmune disease, neurological disorders and HIV infection, including HIV vaccine design, and to accelerate medical advances that maintain health and improve quality of life. SDBRI is located in San Diego.
Wael ElShamy Work Experience & Education
Recent News About Wael ElShamy
Investigators - San Diego Biomedical Research InstituteSan Diego Biomedical Research Institute
Wael M. ElShamy , Ph.D. Associate ProfessorInvestigators - San Diego Biomedical Research InstituteSan Diego Biomedical Research Institute
Wael M. ElShamy , Ph.D. Associate Professor Metastatic Cancer welshamy@sdbri.org Research Focus Dr. ElShamy obtained his B.Sc. in Chemistry in 1...Investigators - San Diego Biomedical Research InstituteSan Diego Biomedical Research Institute
Wael ElShamy , Ph.D. Publishes on "The Molecular Underpinning of Geminin-Overexpressing Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cells Homing Specifically to Lun...Investigators - San Diego Biomedical Research InstituteSan Diego Biomedical Research Institute
Wael M. ElShamy , Ph.D. Associate Professor Metastatic Cancer Contact: welshamy@sdbri.org Dr. ElShamy obtained his B.Sc. in Chemistry in 1986 fro...
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Wael ElShamy
Wael ElShamy is a Professor at the San Diego Biomedical Research Institute, based in San Diego, United States. Prior to his current role, he served as an Associate Professor at the University of Mississippi Medical Center. ElShamy holds a B.Sc. degree from Ayn-Shams University. His work at the San Diego Biomedical Research Institute is focused on d...