
Wade Xiong

Chief Executive Officer at TeaTech

Wade Xiong Email & Phone number

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(801) ***-****

Wade Xiong Current Workplace





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Wade Xiong Work Experience Summary

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About Wade Xiong

Wade Xiong is the President at Xel Pharmaceuticals, a leading pharmaceutical company based in Draper, Utah. With a strong background in the industry, he is responsible for overseeing the company's strategic direction and driving innovation in their product development efforts.Explore more

Wade Xiong Current Workplace


2009-present (15 years)

TeaTech®, Inc., a Nevada Corporation wholly owned by Xel Pharmaceuticals®, Inc., specializes in the development and marketing of unique green tea products based on TeaTech's proprietary green tea extracts. The Company has a patented green tea extraction method and several issued/patent pending patents for green tea dosage forms and new applications. TeaTech's unique fresh green tea extract is the basis for its popular product line of instant green tea beverage mixes, and other functional and dietary supplement products. Their entire lines of instant green teas provide consumers novel brand identities. TeaTech brand Instant Green Tea Beverage Mix began retail distribution in December 2002, and is currently available at stores nationwide. Made from fresh-picked green tea leaves and using only cold water in its extraction method, one serving of TeaTech instant green tea provides as many benefits or more than 8 cups of most brewed teas. Its natural fresh green tea taste and color is the seSee more

Wade Xiong Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


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Work Experience

Work Experience


Xel Pharmaceuticals




Masters Degree - Economics

Org Chart - TeaTech

Chief Executive Officer





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Wade Xiong

What company does Wade Xiong work for?
Wade Xiong works for TeaTech as Chief Executive Officer
What is Wade Xiong’s role in TeaTech?
Wade Xiong’s role in TeaTech is Chief Executive Officer
What is Wade Xiong’s email address?
Wade Xiong’s email address is w***@teatech.com
What is Wade Xiong’s business email address?
Wade Xiong’s business email address is w***@teatech.com
What is Wade Xiong’s direct phone number?
Wade Xiong’s direct phone number is (801) ***-****
What is Wade Xiong’s work phone number?
Wade Xiong’s headquarters phone number is (801) 748-3550
What is Wade Xiong’s latest job experience?
Wade Xiong’s latest job experience is President at Xel Pharmaceuticals
Which industry does Wade Xiong work in?
Wade Xiong works in the industry of Food, Beverages & Tobacco, Manufacturing.
Who are Wade Xiong’s peers at other companies?
Wade Xiong’s peers at other companies are Craig Alder, Borg Isaksen, Tina Michel, Rohit Naidu, Mike Duggan.
Who are Wade Xiong’s colleagues?
Some of Wade Xiong’s colleagues are David Burke.
How can I contact Wade Xiong?
Wade Xiong contact details: Email address: w***@teatech.com Phone number: (801) ***-****
Who is Wade Xiong?

Wade Xiong is the President at Xel Pharmaceuticals, a leading pharmaceutical company based in Draper, Utah. With a strong background in the industry, he is responsible for overseeing the company's strategic direction and driving innovation in their product development efforts.... Read More

Where is Wade Xiong based?
Wade Xiong works for TeaTech, located at United States
Who is TeaTech’s Chief Executive Officer?
TeaTech's Chief Executive Officer is Wade Xiong
See more information about Wade Xiong

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