
Wade Burkholder

Assistant Plant Manager at Menards

Wade Burkholder Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Wade Burkholder Current Workplace




Number of Employees

Wade Burkholder Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Wade Burkholder

Wade Burkholder is the Assistant Plant Manager at Menards. They were previously the Assistant Plant Manager at Midwest Manufacturing. Burkholder holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Trine University, where they gained the skills and knowledge to excel in their current role. Responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the plant, Burkholder's expertise and leadership have been instrumental in driving the company's success.

Wade Burkholder Current Workplace


2020-present (5 years)

Menard Inc is an American big-box home improvement retail chain headquartered in Eau Claire, Wisconsin.

Wade Burkholder Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Director Of Admission

Trine University


Resident Assistant

Trine University


Athletic Department Intern

Gorham Fayette Local Schools


Intramural Referee

Trine University


Org Chart - Menards

Wade Burkholder

Assistant Plant Manager

Intent on Wade Burkholder's Company


Interest in Wade Burkholder's Company

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Wade Burkholder

What company does Wade Burkholder work for?
Wade Burkholder works for Menards as Assistant Plant Manager
What is Wade Burkholder’s role in Menards?
Wade Burkholder’s role in Menards is Assistant Plant Manager
What is Wade Burkholder’s email address?
Wade Burkholder’s email address is w***@menard-inc.com
What is Wade Burkholder’s business email address?
Wade Burkholder’s business email address is w***@menard-inc.com
What is Wade Burkholder’s direct phone number?
Wade Burkholder’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Wade Burkholder’s latest job experience?
Wade Burkholder’s latest job experience is Director Of Admission at Trine University
Which industry does Wade Burkholder work in?
Wade Burkholder works in the industry of Home Improvement & Hardware Retail, Retail.
Who are Wade Burkholder’s peers at other companies?
Wade Burkholder’s peers at other companies are James Brewer, Ali Arekat, Phil Difiore, Daniel Morrison, Bud McCormick.
Who are Wade Burkholder’s colleagues?
Some of Wade Burkholder’s colleagues are Josh Crandall, Rachel Wheele, Sharon Borowick, Larry Steward.
How can I contact Wade Burkholder?
Wade Burkholder contact details: Email address: w***@menard-inc.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Wade Burkholder?

Wade Burkholder is the Assistant Plant Manager at Menards. They were previously the Assistant Plant Manager at Midwest Manufacturing. Burkholder holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Trine University, where they gained the skills and knowledge to excel in their current role. Responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations... of the plant, Burkholder's expertise and leadership have been instrumental in driving the company's success.

Where is Wade Burkholder based?
Wade Burkholder works for Menards, located at United States