Vummenthala Charulekhah

Counselor at I20fever

Vummenthala Charulekhah Email & Phone number

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Vummenthala Charulekhah Current Workplace





Number of Employees

Vummenthala Charulekhah Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Vummenthala Charulekhah

Vummenthala Charulekhah is a Counselor at I20fever based in Ambernagar, Telangana. Previously, Vummenthala was an International Educational Counselor at Riya Education Pvt.Explore more

Vummenthala Charulekhah Current Workplace


2024-present (6 months)

Get in touch with our Experienced Counsellors. More than happy that I went with i20fever, they helped me at every step of my study abroad process and gave the perfect Counsel I was hoping for. Of all the Consultants I went to, i20fevers Mock Interviews were easily the most beneficial. They trained me well with one on one sessions and helped me clear the Visa Interview. i20fever conducts the best fairs by bringing forth the most Credible University reps from across the world. These reps cleared all my queries regarding studying in the UK. Of all the consultants I went to, i20fever's mock interviews were easily the most beneficial. I was worried about my visa interview because many of my friends had gotten their visas rejected. i20fever understood the issue very well and gave me one on one session to help me get through my visa. Our Student-Centric Services choose your country! Having navigated the maze of studying abroad themselves, the founder of i20fever decided to make it their businSee more

Vummenthala Charulekhah Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience


Aees Global Overseas Education Consultant


Branch Manager

Hitha Overseas Education Consultancy


Senior International Education Counselor

Global Visas overseas Education Consultancy


International Educational Counselor

Riya Education Pvt


Org Chart - I20fever






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Vummenthala Charulekhah

What company does Vummenthala Charulekhah work for?
Vummenthala Charulekhah works for I20fever as Counselor
What is Vummenthala Charulekhah’s role in I20fever?
Vummenthala Charulekhah’s role in I20fever is Counselor
What is Vummenthala Charulekhah’s direct phone number?
Vummenthala Charulekhah’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Vummenthala Charulekhah’s work phone number?
Vummenthala Charulekhah’s headquarters phone number is +91 9959992255
What is Vummenthala Charulekhah’s latest job experience?
Vummenthala Charulekhah’s latest job experience is Counselor at Aees Global Overseas Education Consultant
Which industry does Vummenthala Charulekhah work in?
Vummenthala Charulekhah works in the industry of Colleges & Universities, Education.
Who are Vummenthala Charulekhah’s peers at other companies?
Vummenthala Charulekhah’s peers at other companies are Shohra Hasan, Yasir Thomas, Adryani McNeil, Julian Snyder, Rachel Breckinridge.
Who are Vummenthala Charulekhah’s colleagues?
Some of Vummenthala Charulekhah’s colleagues are Mahesh Vaddepally, Meghana Katari, Harika Kannuri, Sruthi Gopu.
Who is Vummenthala Charulekhah?

Vummenthala Charulekhah is a Counselor at I20fever based in Ambernagar, Telangana. Previously, Vummenthala was an International Educational Counselor at Riya Education Pvt.... Read More

Where is Vummenthala Charulekhah based?
Vummenthala Charulekhah works for I20fever, located at India
See more information about Vummenthala Charulekhah

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