Vincent PerroneA

Vincent Perrone

President & Chief Executive Officer at Veterans Inc.

Vincent Perrone Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(508) ***-****

Vincent Perrone Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees


Vincent Perrone Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Vincent Perrone

Vincent Perrone, based in Worcester, United States, is the President & Chief Executive Officer of Veterans Inc. With their extensive experience in the individual and family services industry, they have demonstrated expertise in Nonprofit Organizations, Analytical Skills, Executive Relationships, Government, and Intelligence.Prior to their current role, Perrone served as a Senior Consultant at Vantage Applications, where they were responsible for overseeing various projects and initiatives. Perrone holds a Bachelor's degree from Norwich University and has completed advanced training, including Level III certifications in Program Management and Acquisition Logistics from the Defense Systems Management College.Perrone's strong business development skills, combined with their Doctoral work in Systems Management, have made them a valuable asset in the nonprofit sector. As the leader of Veterans Inc., they are dedicated to providing essential services and support to the veteran community, leRead more

Vincent Perrone Current Workplace

Veterans Inc.

1993-present (32 years)

Founded in 1990 and headquartered in Worcester, Massachusetts, Veteran Inc, helps reduce homelessness among veterans and their families by providing the housing and support services needed to prevent and/or end homelessness. They also provide inpatient and outpatient treatment services to individuals struggling with substance abuse issues in a serene and supportive environment at Independence Hall.

Vincent Perrone Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Senior Consultant

Vantage Applications


Senior Consultant

P E Systems


Global Director, Government Marketing

EMC Corporation


Lieutenant Colonel

U.S. Air Force





Norwich University

Prgram Management

Defense Systems Management College

Org Chart - Veterans Inc.

Profile Picture

President & Chief Executive Officer





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Vincent Perrone

What company does Vincent Perrone work for?
Vincent Perrone works for Veterans Inc. as President & Chief Executive Officer
What is Vincent Perrone’s role in Veterans Inc.?
Vincent Perrone’s role in Veterans Inc. is President & Chief Executive Officer
What is Vincent Perrone’s email address?
Vincent Perrone’s email address is v***
What is Vincent Perrone’s business email address?
Vincent Perrone’s business email address is v***
What is Vincent Perrone’s direct phone number?
Vincent Perrone’s direct phone number is (508) ***-****
What is Vincent Perrone’s work phone number?
Vincent Perrone’s headquarters phone number is (508) 791-1213
What is Vincent Perrone’s latest job experience?
Vincent Perrone’s latest job experience is Senior Consultant at Vantage Applications
What is Vincent Perrone’s latest education?
Vincent Perrone’s latest education in Bachelor at Norwich University
Which industry does Vincent Perrone work in?
Vincent Perrone works in the industry of Government.
Who are Vincent Perrone’s peers at other companies?
Vincent Perrone’s peers at other companies are Pierson Lloyd, Stanley Jackson, Maggie Titterington, Janna King, Kenya Calhoun.
Who are Vincent Perrone’s colleagues?
Some of Vincent Perrone’s colleagues are Karla Martinez, John Monopoli, David Dobson, Allison Caraceni.
How can I contact Vincent Perrone?
Vincent Perrone contact details: Email address: v*** Phone number: (508) ***-****
Who is Vincent Perrone?

Vincent Perrone, based in Worcester, United States, is the President & Chief Executive Officer of Veterans Inc. With their extensive experience in the individual and family services industry, they have demonstrated expertise in Nonprofit Organizations, Analytical Skills, Executive Relationships, Government, and Intelligence.Prior to their current r... ole, Perrone served as a Senior Consultant at Vantage Applications, where they were responsible for overseeing various projects and initiatives. Perrone holds a Bachelor's degree from Norwich University and has completed advanced training, including Level III certifications in Program Management and Acquisition Logistics from the Defense Systems Management College.Perrone's strong business development skills, combined with their Doctoral work in Systems Management, have made them a valuable asset in the nonprofit sector. As the leader of Veterans Inc., they are dedicated to providing essential services and support to the veteran community, leveraging their deep understanding of the challenges faced by those who have served.Read More

Where is Vincent Perrone based?
Vincent Perrone works for Veterans Inc., located at United States
Who is Veterans Inc.’s President & Chief Executive Officer?
Veterans Inc.'s President & Chief Executive Officer is Vincent Perrone
See more information about Vincent Perrone

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