
Vincent Linares

Branch Manager at The CRBR

Vincent Linares Email & Phone number


(530) ***-****

Vincent Linares Current Workplace





Number of Employees

About Vincent Linares

Vincent Linares is a Branch Manager at The CRBR based in Chico, California.

Vincent Linares Current Workplace


2014-present (11 years)

CRBR is Chico, Redding, Sacramento, Yuba City and Reno, NV's premier choice for fire and water restoration.

Org Chart - The CRBR

Vincent Linares

Branch Manager

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Vincent Linares

What company does Vincent Linares work for?
Vincent Linares works for The CRBR as Branch Manager
What is Vincent Linares’s role in The CRBR?
Vincent Linares’s role in The CRBR is Branch Manager
What is Vincent Linares’s email address?
Vincent Linares’s email address is v***@crbr.com
What is Vincent Linares’s business email address?
Vincent Linares’s business email address is v***@crbr.com
What is Vincent Linares’s direct phone number?
Vincent Linares’s direct phone number is (530) ***-****
What is Vincent Linares’s work phone number?
Vincent Linares’s headquarters phone number is (530) 891-0333
Which industry does Vincent Linares work in?
Vincent Linares works in the industry of Commercial & Residential Construction, Construction.
Who are Vincent Linares’s peers at other companies?
Vincent Linares’s peers at other companies are Andy Jones, Tim Cooper, Josh Denie, John Keller, Jeremy Ream.
Who are Vincent Linares’s colleagues?
Some of Vincent Linares’s colleagues are Jim Ackerman, Michael Frumenti, Trevor Deadmond, Chris Glass.
How can I contact Vincent Linares?
Vincent Linares contact details: Email address: v***@crbr.com Phone number: (530) ***-****
Who is Vincent Linares?

Vincent Linares is a Branch Manager at The CRBR based in Chico, California....

Where is Vincent Linares based?
Vincent Linares works for The CRBR, located at United States