
Vince Neves

Manager, Production at Compro International

Vince Neves Email & Phone number

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(289) ***-****

Vince Neves Current Workplace


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About Vince Neves

Vince Neves is a Manager, Production at Compro International based in Burlington, Ontario.Explore more

Vince Neves Current Workplace

Compro International

2019-present (6 years)

Compro International is a leader in the design and manufacture of packaged systems and process modules. Today industry is increasingly rethinking its approach to project implementation. It recognizes that specifications outlining a series of operating functions are actually 'systems'-linked components that are most efficiently engineered and integrated off site then delivered on site as pre-assembled modules. Quality and flexibility form the foundation of our business, from engineering and integration to quality control and handling complex foreign orders. Compro International's experience and expertise covers much of the globe. Compro International meets the needs of specialized markets within the edible and inedible oils and fats industry to produce turnkey packaged modules. Because all stages of module development can be completed in-house, we can develop solutions for a broad range of project requirements. Consolidating services and personnel reduces production costs. It also enablSee more

Org Chart - Compro International


Manager, Production




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Vince Neves

What company does Vince Neves work for?
Vince Neves works for Compro International as Manager, Production
What is Vince Neves’s role in Compro International?
Vince Neves’s role in Compro International is Manager, Production
What is Vince Neves’s email address?
Vince Neves’s email address is v***@comprointernational.com
What is Vince Neves’s business email address?
Vince Neves’s business email address is v***@comprointernational.com
What is Vince Neves’s direct phone number?
Vince Neves’s direct phone number is (289) ***-****
What is Vince Neves’s work phone number?
Vince Neves’s headquarters phone number is (905) 339-3404
Which industry does Vince Neves work in?
Vince Neves works in the industry of Industrial Machinery & Equipment, Manufacturing.
Who are Vince Neves’s peers at other companies?
Vince Neves’s peers at other companies are Sam Genix, Brian Beardsley, Alfredo Jimenez, Hynek Lettang, Juan Acevedo.
Who are Vince Neves’s colleagues?
Some of Vince Neves’s colleagues are Cheryl Switzer, Robert McAllister, Kevin Sheridan.
How can I contact Vince Neves?
Vince Neves contact details: Email address: v***@comprointernational.com Phone number: (289) ***-****
Who is Vince Neves?

Vince Neves is a Manager, Production at Compro International based in Burlington, Ontario.... Read More

Where is Vince Neves based?
Vince Neves works for Compro International, located at Canada
See more information about Vince Neves

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