Vikash Doshi Email & Phone number
Vikash Doshi Current Workplace
4534 Del Sol Blvd, Sarasota, Florida, 34243, United States
Phone Number
(941) 359-9957
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Last Update 1/13/2025 2:43 PM
About Vikash Doshi
Vikash Doshi works at Panache Industries, which is a Minerals & Mining company with an estimated 14 employees. Vikash is currently based in Mumbai, Maharashtra. Found email listings include: v*** more
Vikash Doshi Current Workplace
With highly skilled work force, the company is able to fulfil any requirement of clients at stipulated period. Based in Mumbai, India, Panache Industries manufacture & exports products like tube and pipe fittings, various types of valves including manifold valves, needle valves and Air Headers & instrumentation accessories in different dimensions and materials ( Stainless Steel, Monel, Hastelloy, Inconel etc.)
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