Vijayalakshmi R

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Vijayalakshmi R Work Experience Summary

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About Vijayalakshmi R

Vijayalakshmi R (Viji) serves as the Chief Human Capital Officer of Trianz. Viji is a highly accomplished senior HR leader with over 15 years of experience in talent and leadership acquisition, organization design and development, and deploying performance models and cultures. She is committed to driving the Trianz Human Capital strategy forward and fostering a culture of diversity and inclusion. Most recently serving as Senior Vice President at Genpact, Viji's career began in 2001 at GE Capital Services, where she identified and nurtured high-performing professionals and teams across all levels of the organization. Viji then moved on to GE Healthcare, where she continued to hone her skills in talent acquisition and organization design and development.Explore more

Vijayalakshmi R Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Chief Human Capital Officer



Senior Vice President



Training Vice President, Human Resources & Industrial, Manufacturing & Services Vertical Leader



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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Vijayalakshmi R

What is Vijayalakshmi R’s direct phone number?
Vijayalakshmi R’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Vijayalakshmi R’s latest job experience?
Vijayalakshmi R’s latest job experience is Chief Human Capital Officer at Trianz
Who are Vijayalakshmi R’s peers at other companies?
Vijayalakshmi R’s peers at other companies are Justin Uren, Federico Welsh, Giulia Cirillo, Umang Tandon.
Who are Vijayalakshmi R’s colleagues?
Some of Vijayalakshmi R’s colleagues are Ravikumar Sadhu, Vasanthakumar Vedhagiri, Timothy Hugel, Harsha Vardhan.
Who is Vijayalakshmi R?

Vijayalakshmi R (Viji) serves as the Chief Human Capital Officer of Trianz. Viji is a highly accomplished senior HR leader with over 15 years of experience in talent and leadership acquisition, organization design and development, and deploying performance models and cultures. She is committed to driving the Trianz Human Capital strategy forward an... d fostering a culture of diversity and inclusion. Most recently serving as Senior Vice President at Genpact, Viji's career began in 2001 at GE Capital Services, where she identified and nurtured high-performing professionals and teams across all levels of the organization. Viji then moved on to GE Healthcare, where she continued to hone her skills in talent acquisition and organization design and development.Read More

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