2008-present (17 years)
Vidianti Mandasari Email & Phone number
Vidianti Mandasari Current Workplace
no. 32-34 Rukan, Jakarta, 14241, Indonesia
Phone Number
+62 62214535678
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About Vidianti Mandasari
Vidianti Mandasari works as a Sales Administrasi at PT ABC President Indonesia, which is a Food & Beverage company with an estimated 1,875 employees. They are part of Sales Department and their management level is Non-Manager. Vidianti is currently based in Jakarta, Jakarta. Found email listings include: @abcpresident.com.Explore more
Vidianti Mandasari Current Workplace
PT ABC President Indonesia
PT. ABC President Indonesia was established in September 1991 under a joint venture agreement between PT. ABC Central Food of Indonesia and Uni-President Enterprises Corporation of Taiwan. Most people know the "ABC" Brand as the market leader in food and beverages in Indonesia. Guided by the principle of satisfying customer needs, it has steadily expanded its business to other foods. Now "ABC" is a famous household brand name, known for its quality. ABC is one of key players in Indonesia Instant Noodle Market. Mi ABC is available throughout the nation due to our wide distribution network. Our export markets spread across European and Asia Pacific Countries. In fact, we are the leaders in the hot flavored categories. Uni-President Enterprises Corporation has come a long way since its humble beginning as a flour manufacturer some thirty years ago. Today it is the biggest food company in Taiwan. Over the years Uni-President Enterprises has expanded to various businesses like food, edibleSee more
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