Victoria Horne

Costume Co-Ordinators at CLOC Musical Theatre

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About Victoria Horne

Victoria Horne is the Costume Co-Ordinators at CLOC Musical Theatre based in Patterson Lakes, Victoria.Explore more

Victoria Horne Current Workplace

CLOC Musical Theatre

2011-present (14 years)

CLOC Musical Theatre is one of Victoria's largest and most successful non-professional music theatre companies. Established in 1964, CLOC commenced performing in church halls and on school stages prior to moving to the Alexander Theatre at Monash University with its 500 seat auditorium. After performing for 38 years at the Alexander Theatre, CLOC has now relocated to its current performing venue - the historical 783 seat National Theatre in St Kilda. Implicit in the objectives of CLOC (listed below) is the desire to create and present the highest quality non professional music theatre, while at the same time ensuring the long term economic viability of CLOC Musical Theatre Inc. Promote an appreciation of the arts - particularly live theatre - within the community. Present public performances of live theatre, concerts and any other activity which promotes the arts. Encourage, assist and develop the full range of talents associated with the development of the arts. Achieve the highest poSee more

Org Chart - CLOC Musical Theatre


Costume Co-Ordinators




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Victoria Horne

What company does Victoria Horne work for?
Victoria Horne works for CLOC Musical Theatre as Costume Co-Ordinators
What is Victoria Horne’s role in CLOC Musical Theatre?
Victoria Horne’s role in CLOC Musical Theatre is Costume Co-Ordinators
What is Victoria Horne’s direct phone number?
Victoria Horne’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Victoria Horne’s work phone number?
Victoria Horne’s headquarters phone number is +61 1300362547
Which industry does Victoria Horne work in?
Victoria Horne works in the industry of Management Consulting, Business Services.
Who are Victoria Horne’s peers at other companies?
Victoria Horne’s peers at other companies are Melinda Peebles.
Who are Victoria Horne’s colleagues?
Some of Victoria Horne’s colleagues are Henry Shaw, Cameron Osborne, Ric Birkett, Katie Weston.
Who is Victoria Horne?

Victoria Horne is the Costume Co-Ordinators at CLOC Musical Theatre based in Patterson Lakes, Victoria.... Read More

Where is Victoria Horne based?
Victoria Horne works for CLOC Musical Theatre, located at Australia
See more information about Victoria Horne

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