
Vickie Zhang

Principal at IvyMax

Vickie Zhang Email & Phone number


(650) ***-****

Vickie Zhang Current Workplace




Phone Number

Number of Employees

Vickie Zhang Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles


About Vickie Zhang

Vickie Zhang is a Principal at IvyMax based in Fremont, California. Previously, Vickie was a Director, Information & Administrative Services at Northwestern Polytechnic University and also held positions at AMAX, Beijing International Studies University, SBC International. Vickie received a BA degree from Beijing International Studies University.

Vickie Zhang Current Workplace


2012-present (13 years)

IvyMax (formerly Vanteus) helps high-achieving students prepare exceptionally well for, and get accepted by, top-tier universities and colleges. As Northern California's leading education technology and service provider for test preparation and college counseling, IvyMax has benefited thousands of elementary, middle, and high school students and has consistently delivered industry-best results since 2004.

Vickie Zhang Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Director, Information & Administrative Services

Northwestern Polytechnic University


Project Manager, B2B


Assistant To the President

SBC International


BA - English

Beijing International Studies University

MBA degree

Mr. Jason Ma Degree

Org Chart - IvyMax

Vickie Zhang


Recent News About Vickie Zhang

Web References
Web References
  • news feed 2


    Vickie Zhang , Co-Founder, Chief Operating Officer, Principal of IvyMax Academy, Senior Counselor . s Principal, Ms. Zhang is responsible for academi...
  • news feed 3

    News « IvyMax

    The February 2011 issue of the IvyMax Insider highlights the opening of the new and exciting IvyMax Millbrae/San Francisco Center , a welcoming letter...
  • news feed 4

    Our Team « IvyMax

    Vickie Zhang , Co-Founder, Chief Operating Officer, Principal of IvyMax Academy, Senior Counselor . s Principal, Ms. Zhang is responsible for academi...
  • news feed 5

    Vickie Zhang - PhD candidate/MA in Education, California Institute of Integral Studies. BA in English, Beijing Second Foreign Language University.

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Vickie Zhang

What company does Vickie Zhang work for?
Vickie Zhang works for IvyMax as Principal
What is Vickie Zhang’s role in IvyMax?
Vickie Zhang’s role in IvyMax is Principal
What is Vickie Zhang’s email address?
Vickie Zhang’s email address is v***@ivymax.com
What is Vickie Zhang’s business email address?
Vickie Zhang’s business email address is v***@ivymax.com
What is Vickie Zhang’s direct phone number?
Vickie Zhang’s direct phone number is (650) ***-****
What is Vickie Zhang’s work phone number?
Vickie Zhang’s headquarters phone number is (650) 996-5678
What is Vickie Zhang’s latest job experience?
Vickie Zhang’s latest job experience is Director, Information & Administrative Services at Northwestern Polytechnic University
What is Vickie Zhang’s latest education?
Vickie Zhang’s latest education in BA - English at Beijing International Studies University
Which industry does Vickie Zhang work in?
Vickie Zhang works in the industry of Education General, Education.
Who are Vickie Zhang’s peers at other companies?
Vickie Zhang’s peers at other companies are Kerrie Cuffe, Michael Robey, Samantha Ogden, Thomas Garrison, Deborah Brown.
Who are Vickie Zhang’s colleagues?
Some of Vickie Zhang’s colleagues are Michael Huang, Sherry Yang, Kevin Zhang, Wen Zhu.
How can I contact Vickie Zhang?
Vickie Zhang contact details: Email address: v***@ivymax.com Phone number: (650) ***-****
Who is Vickie Zhang?

Vickie Zhang is a Principal at IvyMax based in Fremont, California. Previously, Vickie was a Director, Information & Administrative Services at Northwestern Polytechnic University and also held positions at AMAX, Beijing International Studies University, SBC International. Vickie received a BA degree from Beijing International Studies University....

Where is Vickie Zhang based?
Vickie Zhang works for IvyMax, located at United States