
Vibha Bhanushali

Certified Public Accountant at Holsinger

Vibha Bhanushali Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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Vibha Bhanushali Work Experience Summary

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About Vibha Bhanushali

Vibha Bhanushali is a Certified Public Accountant at Holsinger, based in Pittsburgh, United States. Prior to her current role, she worked as a Chartered Accountant. Vibha holds a Bachelors degree from the University of Mumbai in India. Her professional experience and educational background have equipped her with the skills and knowledge to excel in the field of accounting.Explore more

Vibha Bhanushali Current Workplace


2014-present (11 years)

No matter what business you are in, you are always the center of attention at Holsinger. We have built our reputation on a focused dedication to service and it is how we have earned a spot among the area's top accounting firms. For over 30 years now, regional and national organizations in a wide range of industries have come to trust the real-world expertise of our people. Domestic and global tax issues, annual revenues from $100,000 to $3 billion - we'll solve your most difficult problems with a full range of services from tax planning to valuations and more. So no matter what business you are in, or what city or country you call home, we can show you smart alternatives for improving your business financials, while insuring you stay within all applicable guidelines.

Vibha Bhanushali Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience


Chartered Accountant


Bachelors - Commerce

University of Mumbai , India

Org Chart - Holsinger


Certified Public Accountant




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Vibha Bhanushali

What company does Vibha Bhanushali work for?
Vibha Bhanushali works for Holsinger as Certified Public Accountant
What is Vibha Bhanushali’s role in Holsinger?
Vibha Bhanushali’s role in Holsinger is Certified Public Accountant
What is Vibha Bhanushali’s email address?
Vibha Bhanushali’s email address is v***@thinkholsinger.com
What is Vibha Bhanushali’s business email address?
Vibha Bhanushali’s business email address is v***@thinkholsinger.com
What is Vibha Bhanushali’s direct phone number?
Vibha Bhanushali’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Vibha Bhanushali’s work phone number?
Vibha Bhanushali’s headquarters phone number is (724) 934-4880
What is Vibha Bhanushali’s latest job experience?
Vibha Bhanushali’s latest job experience is Cpa at Chartered Accountant
What is Vibha Bhanushali’s latest education?
Vibha Bhanushali’s latest education in Bachelors - Commerce at University of Mumbai , India
Which industry does Vibha Bhanushali work in?
Vibha Bhanushali works in the industry of Accounting & Accounting Services, Business Services.
Who are Vibha Bhanushali’s peers at other companies?
Vibha Bhanushali’s peers at other companies are Sherry Riley, Bob Bobson, Ilinda Parham, Teresa Cozzi, Dennis Burke.
Who are Vibha Bhanushali’s colleagues?
Some of Vibha Bhanushali’s colleagues are Karen Sciullo, Julia Stephenson, Sue Brennan, Brandon Durbin.
How can I contact Vibha Bhanushali?
Vibha Bhanushali contact details: Email address: v***@thinkholsinger.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Vibha Bhanushali?

Vibha Bhanushali is a Certified Public Accountant at Holsinger, based in Pittsburgh, United States. Prior to her current role, she worked as a Chartered Accountant. Vibha holds a Bachelors degree from the University of Mumbai in India. Her professional experience and educational background have equipped her with the skills and knowledge to excel in... the field of accounting.Read More

Where is Vibha Bhanushali based?
Vibha Bhanushali works for Holsinger, located at United States
See more information about Vibha Bhanushali

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