
Vera Urrutia

Administrative Assistant at LACDA

Vera Urrutia Email & Phone number


(626) ***-****

Vera Urrutia Current Workplace




Phone Number

Number of Employees


About Vera Urrutia

Vera Urrutia is an Administrative Assistant at LACDA based in Alhambra, California.

Vera Urrutia Current Workplace


2011-present (14 years)

The LACDA, in partnership with Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, operates Lead Free Homes LA, intended to mitigate lead-based paint hazards in residential properties located in targeted communities. Lead-based paint may be found in older homes and is a serious health hazard for children that can cause a lifetime of negative health impacts. The Program provides for the remediation of chipping and peeling lead-based paint in the interior and exterior of homes and other related repairs to remove lead hazards and protect the health of Los Angeles families.

Org Chart - LACDA

Vera Urrutia

Administrative Assistant

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Vera Urrutia

What company does Vera Urrutia work for?
Vera Urrutia works for LACDA as Administrative Assistant
What is Vera Urrutia’s role in LACDA?
Vera Urrutia’s role in LACDA is Administrative Assistant
What is Vera Urrutia’s email address?
Vera Urrutia’s email address is v***@lacda.org
What is Vera Urrutia’s business email address?
Vera Urrutia’s business email address is v***@lacda.org
What is Vera Urrutia’s direct phone number?
Vera Urrutia’s direct phone number is (626) ***-****
What is Vera Urrutia’s work phone number?
Vera Urrutia’s headquarters phone number is (626) 262-4511
Which industry does Vera Urrutia work in?
Vera Urrutia works in the industry of Government.
Who are Vera Urrutia’s peers at other companies?
Vera Urrutia’s peers at other companies are Melissa Dove, Juanita Owens, Britany Woodhouse, Kim Powell, Therese Liddil.
Who are Vera Urrutia’s colleagues?
Some of Vera Urrutia’s colleagues are Dianne Snow, Susana Oliveros, William Huang, Grace Thamawatanakul.
How can I contact Vera Urrutia?
Vera Urrutia contact details: Email address: v***@lacda.org Phone number: (626) ***-****
Who is Vera Urrutia?

Vera Urrutia is an Administrative Assistant at LACDA based in Alhambra, California....

Where is Vera Urrutia based?
Vera Urrutia works for LACDA, located at United States