
Vania Bahena

Inside Sales at Yaskawa America

Vania Bahena Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Vania Bahena Current Workplace


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About Vania Bahena

Vania Bahena is an Inside Sales at Yaskawa America based in Waukegan, Illinois.Explore more

Vania Bahena Current Workplace

Yaskawa America

2024-present (8 months)

Yaskawa America, Inc. - Drives & Motion Division manufactures industrial control and automation products. It offers industrial AC drives, commercial HVAC drives, spindle drives and motors, servo systems and motion controllers, medium voltage switches, breakers, contactors, and low voltage industrial control products. The companys products are used in air handler, blanking/shearing press, cartoner, clean room fan, compressor, conveyor, cooling tower fan, decanter centrifuge, engine dynamometer, extruder, grinder, injection molding, labeler, lathe, linear flying shear, machine tool, metalforming, mixer, pump, rotary knife, rotary placer, rotary table indexer, screw feeder, synch-belt, vibration feeder, water condenser chiller, and winding applications. It serves automotive, building automation, chemical/petrochemical, converting, food and beverage, machine tool, material handling, metal forming, packaging, pharmaceutical, plastics and rubber, and textile industries. Yaskawa America, Inc.See more

Org Chart - Yaskawa America


Inside Sales




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Vania Bahena

What company does Vania Bahena work for?
Vania Bahena works for Yaskawa America as Inside Sales
What is Vania Bahena’s role in Yaskawa America?
Vania Bahena’s role in Yaskawa America is Inside Sales
What is Vania Bahena’s email address?
Vania Bahena’s email address is v***@yaskawa.com
What is Vania Bahena’s business email address?
Vania Bahena’s business email address is v***@yaskawa.com
What is Vania Bahena’s direct phone number?
Vania Bahena’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Vania Bahena’s work phone number?
Vania Bahena’s headquarters phone number is (847) 887-7457
Which industry does Vania Bahena work in?
Vania Bahena works in the industry of Industrial Machinery & Equipment, Manufacturing.
Who are Vania Bahena’s peers at other companies?
Vania Bahena’s peers at other companies are David Patterson, Ed Sanders, Sean Webb, Larry Keeton, Amy Rogers.
Who are Vania Bahena’s colleagues?
Some of Vania Bahena’s colleagues are Michael Hall, Paul Janda, Minerva Velez, Scott Mathews.
How can I contact Vania Bahena?
Vania Bahena contact details: Email address: v***@yaskawa.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Vania Bahena?

Vania Bahena is an Inside Sales at Yaskawa America based in Waukegan, Illinois.... Read More

Where is Vania Bahena based?
Vania Bahena works for Yaskawa America, located at United States
See more information about Vania Bahena

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