Valerie Horn

Owner at Valerie F Horn & Associates

Valerie Horn Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Valerie Horn Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

About Valerie Horn

Valerie Horn is an Owner at Valerie F Horn & Associates based in Los Angeles, California.

Valerie Horn Current Workplace

Valerie F Horn & Associates

2021-present (3 years)

Valerie F. Horn & Associates, APLC is a full-service business litigation law firm that has been advancing our clients' interests for nearly three decades. The firm provides legal counsel at all stages of our clients' growth and evolution, helping them meet the many legal challenges and decisions they face. The world today involves a diverse global economy governed by complex laws and regulations, and our clients trust us as advisers and business partners because we are involved in their centers of influence. They rely on our progressive vision to assist in resolving challenges before they arise. At Valerie F. Horn & Associates, we practice in that spirit. Our governing precept - providing our clients with optimal business solutions- continues to lead us. We value each client relationship, recognizing that their success is our success. Our overarching goal - getting the best result for the client in a timely manner with sensitivity to cost, has engendered client loyalty, and the firm haSee more

Org Chart - Valerie F Horn & Associates

Valerie Horn


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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Valerie Horn

What company does Valerie Horn work for?
Valerie Horn works for Valerie F Horn & Associates as Owner
What is Valerie Horn’s role in Valerie F Horn & Associates?
Valerie Horn’s role in Valerie F Horn & Associates is Owner
What is Valerie Horn’s email address?
Valerie Horn’s email address is f***@thehornbooklaw.com
What is Valerie Horn’s business email address?
Valerie Horn’s business email address is f***@thehornbooklaw.com
What is Valerie Horn’s direct phone number?
Valerie Horn’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Valerie Horn’s work phone number?
Valerie Horn’s headquarters phone number is (310) 888-8494
Which industry does Valerie Horn work in?
Valerie Horn works in the industry of Law Firms & Legal Services.
Who are Valerie Horn’s peers at other companies?
Valerie Horn’s peers at other companies are Mike Bottaro, Diana Winkler, Jack Shinehoft, Mark Chapleau, Ray Maldonado.
How can I contact Valerie Horn?
Valerie Horn contact details: Email address: f***@thehornbooklaw.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Valerie Horn?

Valerie Horn is an Owner at Valerie F Horn & Associates based in Los Angeles, California....

Where is Valerie Horn based?
Valerie Horn works for Valerie F Horn & Associates, located at United States
Who is Valerie F Horn & Associates’s Owner?
Valerie F Horn & Associates's Owner is Valerie Horn