
Valerie Butterfield

Escrow Officer at Backman Title Services

Valerie Butterfield Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(801) ***-****

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Valerie Butterfield Work Experience Summary

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About Valerie Butterfield

Valerie Butterfield is an Escrow Officer at Backman Title Services based in Bountiful, Utah. Valerie received a Associate of Science degree from Salt Lake Community College.Explore more

Valerie Butterfield Current Workplace

Backman Title Services

2006-present (19 years)

Backman Title Services was originally founded in 1900. In 1989 Backman Title Company merged with Stewart Title Company, a Texas Corporation to form Backman-Stewart Title Services, Ltd. During the next 16 years, Backman-Stewart Title Services, Ltd grew to become an industry leader and one of the most respected and largest locally owned title companies in Utah. In 2005, Backman partnered with First American Title Insurance Company. This new partnership not only prompted a return to the original name "Backman Title", but has provided the opportunity for further growth and a continued emphasis on providing unprecedented service to our clients. Today, Backman Title's focus remains on doing work right the first time. We have chosen to take a detailed approach to identifying and eliminating title risks that could result in a future claim. This attention to detail means employing local experts who know and understand Utah laws, underwriting standards and best practices. Over the past few yearsSee more

Valerie Butterfield Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles



Associate of Science - Executive Assistant/Executive Secretary

Salt Lake Community College

Org Chart - Backman Title Services


Escrow Officer




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Valerie Butterfield

What company does Valerie Butterfield work for?
Valerie Butterfield works for Backman Title Services as Escrow Officer
What is Valerie Butterfield’s role in Backman Title Services?
Valerie Butterfield’s role in Backman Title Services is Escrow Officer
What is Valerie Butterfield’s email address?
Valerie Butterfield’s email address is v***@backmantitle.com
What is Valerie Butterfield’s business email address?
Valerie Butterfield’s business email address is v***@backmantitle.com
What is Valerie Butterfield’s direct phone number?
Valerie Butterfield’s direct phone number is (801) ***-****
What is Valerie Butterfield’s work phone number?
Valerie Butterfield’s headquarters phone number is (801) 288-8818
What is Valerie Butterfield’s latest education?
Valerie Butterfield’s latest education in Associate of Science - Executive Assistant/Executive Secretary at Salt Lake Community College
Which industry does Valerie Butterfield work in?
Valerie Butterfield works in the industry of Real Estate.
Who are Valerie Butterfield’s peers at other companies?
Valerie Butterfield’s peers at other companies are Carrisa Conner, Van Pham, Kim Miri, Jeff Madden, Kent Corrine.
Who are Valerie Butterfield’s colleagues?
Some of Valerie Butterfield’s colleagues are David Johnson, Shanell Carter-Jensen, Emily Mugleston, Tanna Monson.
How can I contact Valerie Butterfield?
Valerie Butterfield contact details: Email address: v***@backmantitle.com Phone number: (801) ***-****
Who is Valerie Butterfield?

Valerie Butterfield is an Escrow Officer at Backman Title Services based in Bountiful, Utah. Valerie received a Associate of Science degree from Salt Lake Community College.... Read More

Where is Valerie Butterfield based?
Valerie Butterfield works for Backman Title Services, located at United States
See more information about Valerie Butterfield

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