
Uwe Kirberg

President at Bosch India

Uwe Kirberg Email & Phone number


(708) ***-****

Uwe Kirberg Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Uwe Kirberg Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles


About Uwe Kirberg

Uwe Kirberg is a Senior VP, Engineering at KARL SUSS DRESDEN based in Richardson, Texas. Previously, Uwe was a Senior Vice President at Bosch. Uwe received a doctorate degree from University of Aachen , Germany.

Uwe Kirberg Current Workplace

Bosch India

2015-present (9 years)

Bosch is a global supplier of technology and services. Bosch specializes in consumer goods, industrial technology, and energy technology.

Uwe Kirberg Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience




Vice President, Engineering



Senior VP, Engineering





doctorate - electrical engineering

University of Aachen , Germany

Org Chart - Bosch India

Uwe Kirberg


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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Uwe Kirberg

What company does Uwe Kirberg work for?
Uwe Kirberg works for Bosch India as President
What is Uwe Kirberg’s role in Bosch India?
Uwe Kirberg’s role in Bosch India is President
What is Uwe Kirberg’s email address?
Uwe Kirberg’s email address is u***@bosch.com
What is Uwe Kirberg’s business email address?
Uwe Kirberg’s business email address is u***@bosch.com
What is Uwe Kirberg’s direct phone number?
Uwe Kirberg’s direct phone number is (708) ***-****
What is Uwe Kirberg’s work phone number?
Uwe Kirberg’s headquarters phone number is +91 8067523878
What is Uwe Kirberg’s latest job experience?
Uwe Kirberg’s latest job experience is President at Bosch
What is Uwe Kirberg’s latest education?
Uwe Kirberg’s latest education in doctorate - electrical engineering at University of Aachen , Germany
Which industry does Uwe Kirberg work in?
Uwe Kirberg works in the industry of Motor Vehicle Parts, Manufacturing.
Who are Uwe Kirberg’s peers at other companies?
Uwe Kirberg’s peers at other companies are Dennis Pursel, Tracey Edwards, Rick Odum, Adam Wainio, Brian Perrella.
Who are Uwe Kirberg’s colleagues?
Some of Uwe Kirberg’s colleagues are Craig Elliot, Swara Shelat, Mike Lindberg, Jody Connolly.
How can I contact Uwe Kirberg?
Uwe Kirberg contact details: Email address: u***@bosch.com Phone number: (708) ***-****
Who is Uwe Kirberg?

Uwe Kirberg is a Senior VP, Engineering at KARL SUSS DRESDEN based in Richardson, Texas. Previously, Uwe was a Senior Vice President at Bosch. Uwe received a doctorate degree from University of Aachen , Germany....

Where is Uwe Kirberg based?
Uwe Kirberg works for Bosch India, located at India
Who is Bosch India’s President?
Bosch India's President is Uwe Kirberg