Utami Purwaningsih

Business Intelligence at Indocyber

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Utami Purwaningsih Work Experience Summary

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About Utami Purwaningsih

Utami Purwaningsih is a Business Intelligence professional at Indocyber. With a Gelar Sarjana degree from Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang (ITN Malang), Utami brings her expertise in data analysis and business intelligence to her current role. She is responsible for providing valuable insights and strategic recommendations to help her organization make informed decisions.Explore more

Utami Purwaningsih Current Workplace


2018-present (7 years)

Indocyber Global Teknologi is a digital transformation solutions & services company consistently add values to retain loyalty to our stakeholders and decide to deliver highly effective solutions with State-of-The-Art Technology. Starting from winning Finhacks 2019 through blockchain innovation by our team, 2nd place in the Interbank Settlements & Payments category. The solution offered is the Bank Guarantee application system by implementing Blockchain technology. After that Indocyber wanted to expand to a wider area of business. Indocyber has implemented blockchain technology in Linkdataku, an education & professional records. Indocyber's vision is to be a reputable nation-wide integrated, IT Professional Services and Digital Marketing Solution.

Utami Purwaningsih Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles



Gelar Sarjana

Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang (ITN Malang)

Org Chart - Indocyber


Business Intelligence




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Utami Purwaningsih

What company does Utami Purwaningsih work for?
Utami Purwaningsih works for Indocyber as Business Intelligence
What is Utami Purwaningsih’s role in Indocyber?
Utami Purwaningsih’s role in Indocyber is Business Intelligence
What is Utami Purwaningsih’s direct phone number?
Utami Purwaningsih’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Utami Purwaningsih’s work phone number?
Utami Purwaningsih’s headquarters phone number is +62 215663704
What is Utami Purwaningsih’s latest education?
Utami Purwaningsih’s latest education in Gelar Sarjana at Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang (ITN Malang)
Which industry does Utami Purwaningsih work in?
Utami Purwaningsih works in the industry of Consumer Electronics & Computers Retail, Retail.
Who are Utami Purwaningsih’s peers at other companies?
Utami Purwaningsih’s peers at other companies are Kay Baird, Renato Cintra Massici.
Who are Utami Purwaningsih’s colleagues?
Some of Utami Purwaningsih’s colleagues are Ika Surfiyanti, Asari Dewi Setyarini, Pusparani Wahyudi, Thasia Anjani.
Who is Utami Purwaningsih?

Utami Purwaningsih is a Business Intelligence professional at Indocyber. With a Gelar Sarjana degree from Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang (ITN Malang), Utami brings her expertise in data analysis and business intelligence to her current role. She is responsible for providing valuable insights and strategic recommendations to help her organizatio... n make informed decisions.Read More

Where is Utami Purwaningsih based?
Utami Purwaningsih works for Indocyber, located at Indonesia
See more information about Utami Purwaningsih

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