Usama Hashmi

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Usama Hashmi Work Experience Summary

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About Usama Hashmi

Usama Hashmi is a highly skilled and experienced Sales, Business Development, Sales/CS Enablement and Customer Success professional with a proven record of management and leadership excellence. They currently serve as a Member of the Customer Success Collective, where they are responsible for driving effective managerial functions.Prior to their current role, Usama was a Member of the Sales Enablement Collective, where they demonstrated their expertise in identifying deficiencies and potential opportunities for improving business functionality and efficiency. Usama has a diverse background, having held positions at organizations such as OrbisPay, UNAIDS, Delivery Hero, KeepTruckin, Paloma Foods (Australia), and Mobilink, Orascom (Pakistan).Usama holds a Master of Management degree from the Sydney Business School, University of Wollongong. They are a Six Sigma Green Belt and have undergone certified leadership and motivational trainings, which have been instrumental in their effective lRead more

Usama Hashmi Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Senior Research Consultant



Regional Sales Manager, Home Chefs (North)



Manager, Business



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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Usama Hashmi

What company does Usama Hashmi work for?
Usama Hashmi works for as Member
What is Usama Hashmi’s direct phone number?
Usama Hashmi’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Usama Hashmi’s latest job experience?
Usama Hashmi’s latest job experience is Member at Sales Enablement Collective
Who are Usama Hashmi’s peers at other companies?
Usama Hashmi’s peers at other companies are Buster Boggs, Harald Riffel, Thom Kline, Joseph Murphy, Brandon Perkins.
Who are Usama Hashmi’s colleagues?
Some of Usama Hashmi’s colleagues are Leslie Riggs, Ryan Croucher, Brandon Perkins, Tapesh Goyal.
Who is Usama Hashmi?

Usama Hashmi is a highly skilled and experienced Sales, Business Development, Sales/CS Enablement and Customer Success professional with a proven record of management and leadership excellence. They currently serve as a Member of the Customer Success Collective, where they are responsible for driving effective managerial functions.Prior to their cu... rrent role, Usama was a Member of the Sales Enablement Collective, where they demonstrated their expertise in identifying deficiencies and potential opportunities for improving business functionality and efficiency. Usama has a diverse background, having held positions at organizations such as OrbisPay, UNAIDS, Delivery Hero, KeepTruckin, Paloma Foods (Australia), and Mobilink, Orascom (Pakistan).Usama holds a Master of Management degree from the Sydney Business School, University of Wollongong. They are a Six Sigma Green Belt and have undergone certified leadership and motivational trainings, which have been instrumental in their effective leadership skills throughout their professional career. Usama is also certified in Conflict Resolution, showcasing their ability to navigate complex situations and channel differences effectively.Read More

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