Upasna Gautam

Teacher Educator at Guru Nanak College of Education

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About Upasna Gautam

Upasna Gautam is a Teacher Educator at Guru Nanak College of Education based in New Delhi, Nct.Explore more

Upasna Gautam Current Workplace

Introduction to Guru Nanak College of Education. Guru Nanak College of Education is a Sikh Minority Institution, established and administered by the Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee (Statutory Body estd. under the Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Act 1971, Govt. of India). It is affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, approved by NCTE- NRC, accorded by NCMEI and ISO 9001:2015 certification. It was inaugurated on August 2003 with the aim to provide high quality pre-service Teacher Education. It offers B.Ed. Programme, with an intake of 100 students out of which 50% seats are reserved for Sikh Minority students. All the admissions are done on the basis of Merit List of candidates prepared by GGSIP University after conducting Common Entrance Test (CET). The college fee is as per the norms. It is a dynamic and fast growing educational institution, fully responsive to the societal needs. The college recognizes that there are no shortcuts and what it takes to change the world. ThSee more

Org Chart - Guru Nanak College of Education


Teacher Educator




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Upasna Gautam

What company does Upasna Gautam work for?
Upasna Gautam works for Guru Nanak College of Education as Teacher Educator
What is Upasna Gautam’s role in Guru Nanak College of Education?
Upasna Gautam’s role in Guru Nanak College of Education is Teacher Educator
What is Upasna Gautam’s email address?
Upasna Gautam’s email address is g***@gncedelhi.org
What is Upasna Gautam’s business email address?
Upasna Gautam’s business email address is g***@gncedelhi.org
What is Upasna Gautam’s direct phone number?
Upasna Gautam’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Upasna Gautam’s work phone number?
Upasna Gautam’s headquarters phone number is +91 1125222958
Which industry does Upasna Gautam work in?
Upasna Gautam works in the industry of Colleges & Universities, Education.
Who are Upasna Gautam’s peers at other companies?
Upasna Gautam’s peers at other companies are Frank Kincaid, Phillip Moore, Margareth Perucci, Katie Robertson, Manal Hamed.
Who are Upasna Gautam’s colleagues?
Some of Upasna Gautam’s colleagues are Paridhi Galhotra, Apaar Binjola, Reha Malhotra, Letha Mohan.
How can I contact Upasna Gautam?
Upasna Gautam contact details: Email address: g***@gncedelhi.org Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Upasna Gautam?

Upasna Gautam is a Teacher Educator at Guru Nanak College of Education based in New Delhi, Nct.... Read More

Where is Upasna Gautam based?
Upasna Gautam works for Guru Nanak College of Education, located at India
See more information about Upasna Gautam

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