Umesh Pandya

Account Manager at Vishwa Stainless Pvt

Umesh Pandya Email & Phone number

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Umesh Pandya Work Experience Summary

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About Umesh Pandya

Umesh Pandya is an Account Manager at Vishwa Stainless Pvt, based in Ahmedabad, India. They are responsible for managing client accounts and maintaining strong relationships with customers. Prior to their current role, Umesh held the position of Account Manager at Unique Engineering (Pvt.) Ltd. Umesh holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Gujarat University, which has provided them with a solid foundation in business and finance.Explore more

Umesh Pandya Current Workplace

Vishwa Stainless Pvt

2015-present (10 years)

Vishwa Stainless Pvt Ltd. is fast emerging as a professionally managed manufacturer of stainless steel. Equipped with integrated manufacturing facilities and a credible reputation of delivering premium quality SS products, Vishwa Stainless Pvt. Ltd. has emerged to be one of the leading manufacturers of stainless steel products in India, which include: • Bright Round Bars • Hexagonal Bars • Wires • Black Bars • Forged Bars • Forged Round Bars All these products come in various grades & specifications. We have established ourselves in Ahmadabad, the capital of Gujarat and have substantial stock levels of all essential items within our scope of supply and are in a position to offer immediate deliveries. We are currently supplying SS goods to various countries including Australia, Europe, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, Netherlands, UAE (United Arab Emirates), Turkey, UK, USA, Canada, Saudi Arabia, etc and it is our endeavour to be the premier supplier of steels around the world. We are a sSee more

Umesh Pandya Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Account Manager

Unique Engineering (Pvt.) Ltd


Org Chart - Vishwa Stainless Pvt


Account Manager




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Umesh Pandya

What company does Umesh Pandya work for?
Umesh Pandya works for Vishwa Stainless Pvt as Account Manager
What is Umesh Pandya’s role in Vishwa Stainless Pvt?
Umesh Pandya’s role in Vishwa Stainless Pvt is Account Manager
What is Umesh Pandya’s direct phone number?
Umesh Pandya’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Umesh Pandya’s work phone number?
Umesh Pandya’s headquarters phone number is +91 7211124478
What is Umesh Pandya’s latest job experience?
Umesh Pandya’s latest job experience is Account Manager at Unique Engineering (Pvt.) Ltd
Which industry does Umesh Pandya work in?
Umesh Pandya works in the industry of Metals & Mining General, Metals & Mining.
Who are Umesh Pandya’s peers at other companies?
Umesh Pandya’s peers at other companies are Mark Manzo, Mark Campana, James Adame, Hannah Sweeney, Joe Zbydniewski.
Who are Umesh Pandya’s colleagues?
Some of Umesh Pandya’s colleagues are Ritesh Prajapati, Ankush Kumar, Akshay Vishwkarma, Jatin Shah.
Who is Umesh Pandya?

Umesh Pandya is an Account Manager at Vishwa Stainless Pvt, based in Ahmedabad, India. They are responsible for managing client accounts and maintaining strong relationships with customers. Prior to their current role, Umesh held the position of Account Manager at Unique Engineering (Pvt.) Ltd. Umesh holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Gujarat... University, which has provided them with a solid foundation in business and finance.Read More

Where is Umesh Pandya based?
Umesh Pandya works for Vishwa Stainless Pvt, located at India
See more information about Umesh Pandya

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