Umberto CostaA+

Umberto Costa

Chief Executive Officer at Bahmex Bahia Mineral Exploration

Umberto Costa Email & Phone number

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Umberto Costa Work Experience Summary

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Last Update 11/20/2024 9:01 PM

About Umberto Costa

Umberto Costa is the Chief Executive Officer at Bahmex Bahia Mineral Exploration based in Salvador, Bahia. Previously, Umberto was the Presidente at Mineratins and also held positions at CAR, Federal University of Bahia, Companhia Baiana de Pesquisa Mineral.Explore more

Umberto Costa Current Workplace

Bahmex Bahia Mineral Exploration

2009-present (15 years)

A BAHMEX Bahia Mineral Exploration uma empresa privada de desenvolvimento mineral, focada no potencial geolgico do territrio brasileiro para a gerao de novas fontes de oferta de minrio de ferro para as crescentes demandas globais. Ela foi criada em 2009, sob a liderana de Umberto R. Costa, PhD em Geologia pela University of Western Ontario (UWO), Canad, e ex-Presidente do Servio Geolgico do Brasil (CPRM). A BAHMEX possui um importante conjunto de ttulos minerrios nos estados da Bahia e de Minas Gerais, com um mnimo de 2,45 bilhes de toneladas de recursos potenciais de minrio de ferro de alta qualidade.

Umberto Costa Work Experience & Education

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Diretor Executivo




Geological Survey of Brazil - CPRM


Org Chart - Bahmex Bahia Mineral Exploration

Profile Picture

Chief Executive Officer





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Umberto Costa

What company does Umberto Costa work for?
Umberto Costa works for Bahmex Bahia Mineral Exploration as Chief Executive Officer
What is Umberto Costa’s role in Bahmex Bahia Mineral Exploration?
Umberto Costa’s role in Bahmex Bahia Mineral Exploration is Chief Executive Officer
What is Umberto Costa’s email address?
Umberto Costa’s email address is u***
What is Umberto Costa’s business email address?
Umberto Costa’s business email address is u***
What is Umberto Costa’s direct phone number?
Umberto Costa’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Umberto Costa’s latest job experience?
Umberto Costa’s latest job experience is Presidente at Mineratins
Which industry does Umberto Costa work in?
Umberto Costa works in the industry of Metals & Mining General, Metals & Mining.
Who are Umberto Costa’s peers at other companies?
Umberto Costa’s peers at other companies are Dale Anders, Boris Kamstra, Dale Andres, Zenon Potoczny, Justin Thompson.
How can I contact Umberto Costa?
Umberto Costa contact details: Email address: u*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Umberto Costa?

Umberto Costa is the Chief Executive Officer at Bahmex Bahia Mineral Exploration based in Salvador, Bahia. Previously, Umberto was the Presidente at Mineratins and also held positions at CAR, Federal University of Bahia, Companhia Baiana de Pesquisa Mineral.... Read More

Where is Umberto Costa based?
Umberto Costa works for Bahmex Bahia Mineral Exploration, located at Brazil
Who is Bahmex Bahia Mineral Exploration’s Chief Executive Officer?
Bahmex Bahia Mineral Exploration's Chief Executive Officer is Umberto Costa
See more information about Umberto Costa

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