Uche Agbo

Founder & President at Abuja Film Academy

Uche Agbo Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Uche Agbo Current Workplace


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Uche Agbo Work Experience Summary

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About Uche Agbo

Uche Agbo is the Founder & President at Abuja Film Academy. Previously, Uche was the Chief Executive Officer, Md, Okike Media at Okike Media. Uche received a Bachelors Degree degree from Nnamdi Azikiwe University and a Masters Degree from Nnamdi Azikiwe University.Explore more

Uche Agbo Current Workplace

Abuja Film Academy

2016-present (8 years)

To become the first choice destination in Africa for professional film making and acting education. Nigeria Film Industry otherwise known as Nollywood is growing bigger and faster by the day, and its success stories are evident in the numbers that come out of box offices across the country and beyond. In this light, more persons are daily asking for opportunity to be a part of this ever-booming industry. Most of the times, these new comers and even some so-called professionals end up producing substandard movies, hence, the need for a training institution, purely dedicated for practical film making and acting experiences. This is where ABUJA FILM ACADEMY comes into play. ABUJA FILM ACADEMY is committed to raising the next generation filmmakers. We are a practical oriented film school with the sole aim of harnessing talents. We engage the best of industry professionals in different areas of film making to share their experiences to all enthusiastic film students that pass through our diSee more

Uche Agbo Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Chief Executive Officer, Md, Okike Media

Okike Media




Bachelors Degree

Nnamdi Azikiwe University

Masters - Theatre and Film Studies

Masters Degree

Nnamdi Azikiwe University

First Degree - Theatre and Film Studies

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Org Chart - Abuja Film Academy

Founder & President





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Uche Agbo

What company does Uche Agbo work for?
Uche Agbo works for Abuja Film Academy as Founder & President
What is Uche Agbo’s role in Abuja Film Academy?
Uche Agbo’s role in Abuja Film Academy is Founder & President
What is Uche Agbo’s email address?
Uche Agbo’s email address is u***@okikemedia.com
What is Uche Agbo’s business email address?
Uche Agbo’s business email address is u***@okikemedia.com
What is Uche Agbo’s direct phone number?
Uche Agbo’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Uche Agbo’s latest job experience?
Uche Agbo’s latest job experience is Chief Executive Officer, Md, Okike Media at Okike Media
What is Uche Agbo’s latest education?
Uche Agbo’s latest education in Bachelors Degree at Nnamdi Azikiwe University
Which industry does Uche Agbo work in?
Uche Agbo works in the industry of Broadcasting, Media & Internet.
Who are Uche Agbo’s peers at other companies?
Uche Agbo’s peers at other companies are Mark McKewen, Al Nagler, Jennifer Eisenstadt, Debbie Margolis-Horwitz, Dan Vallie.
How can I contact Uche Agbo?
Uche Agbo contact details: Email address: u***@okikemedia.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Uche Agbo?

Uche Agbo is the Founder & President at Abuja Film Academy. Previously, Uche was the Chief Executive Officer, Md, Okike Media at Okike Media. Uche received a Bachelors Degree degree from Nnamdi Azikiwe University and a Masters Degree from Nnamdi Azikiwe University.... Read More

Where is Uche Agbo based?
Uche Agbo works for Abuja Film Academy, located at United States
Who is Abuja Film Academy’s Founder & President?
Abuja Film Academy's Founder & President is Uche Agbo
See more information about Uche Agbo

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