2024-present (10 months)
Tyler Rinde
Director, Government Affairs at California Psychological Association
Tyler Rinde Email & Phone number
Tyler Rinde Current Workplace
1231 I St Ste 204, Sacramento, California, 95814, United States
(916) 286-7979
Number of Employees
Tyler Rinde Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
5Average duration at a company (years)
1Number of job titles
8About Tyler Rinde
Tyler Rinde is a Director, Government Affairs at California Psychological Association based in Sacramento, California.
Previously, Tyler was an Executive Director at California Association of Alcohol & Drug Program Executives.
Tyler received a Bachelor of Arts degree from University of California, San Diego.
Tyler Rinde Current Workplace
California Psychological Association
Founded in 1948 and headquartered in Sacramento, California, California Psychological Association is a 501(c)(6) non-profit professional association for licensed psychologists and others affiliated with the delivery of psychological services.
Tyler Rinde Work Experience & Education
Number of companies worked for
5Average duration at a company (years)
1Number of job titles
8Work Experience
Bachelor of Arts - Political Science and Government
University of California, San DiegoRecent News About Tyler Rinde
Staff | California Alliance of Child and Family Services
Tyler Rinde Deputy Director - Child Welfare Policy trinde@cacfs.org Tyler Rinde has served as the Executive Director of the California Associati...Staff
Tyler Rinde Deputy Director of Child Welfare Policy Tyler Rinde has served as the Executive Director of the California Association of Alcohol and ...Staff
Tyler Rinde Deputy Director for Child Welfare Policy Tyler is a graduate of the University of California, San Diego , and a native of Sacramento. ...Our Team - CBHDA
Tyler Rinde (He/Him/His) Senior Policy Advocate Tyler is responsible for behavioral health policy and legislative work related to crisis services, ...
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Tyler Rinde
Tyler Rinde is a Director, Government Affairs at California Psychological Association based in Sacramento, California. Previously, Tyler was an Executive Director at California Association of Alcohol & Drug Program Executives. Tyler received a Bachelor of Arts degree from University of California, San Diego....